Angel's blog


I'm never beat until I quit trying. It's been a week in my motel. No abuse, no drugs, I am climbing my way out of depression and being grateful for all I have.

Submitted on Jul 12, 2024

I believe it when my street ministry lady and case worker tell me I'm falling into place not apart. Although it may feel overwhelming I don't dare become stagnant.

Submitted on Jul 2, 2024

During the last two and a half years I have been silent, my voice quiet and non existent.... Today I adjust my sail and scream so I can clear my throat and begin to unload all the turbulence I have been navigating alone.

Submitted on Jun 28, 2024

If you struggle with addiction, depression or mental health, please know how important you are and reach out. I shut down, now I need to relearn self love and self esteem.

Submitted on Jun 20, 2024

Meet up with yourself in a whole new way. Change is hard and worth it.

Submitted on Oct 25, 2023

A hard line in sand separating self love from disguises, sold as sparkles and knives. Presents all pretty dressed up for the show; rattles and sparkles acceptance is blurred, Somber breaths for the...

Submitted on Jan 13, 2023

How to touch on this subject. The smiles feel like sugar. Validation is the aid in self esteem, essentially the acceptance in validation grows inner strength.

Submitted on Aug 17, 2022

I can remember meeting you at Walgreens, teaching you to text. You were such a handsome mystery… You took to me. You took me in and showed me a love I would never have imagined existed. My heart...

Submitted on Sep 23, 2021

Love yourself. Lean on your truth. Aspire to be your best and then some. I know not why it's such a struggle. I accept it will happen. I am not afraid to die. I am actually afraid more of the world...

Submitted on Aug 31, 2021

One early evening around eightish. Hell has broken the front door, kicked and damaged yet a whirl; a smile hangs on her heart.

Submitted on May 21, 2020


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