activism, advocacy


Last year at USCHA I stood in a room and said We are not long-term survivors, but we are LIFETIME SURVIVORS.

Submitted on Sep 15, 2023

Thanks to an invitation from Sensoa Belgium, I was happily part of Antwerp Pride and contribute to their campaign Is PrEP iets voor jou? (is PrEP something for you?).

Submitted on Aug 25, 2023

I would like to be a part of A Girl Like Me to show the positive side of living with HIV. I would like to be the face of inspiration to help those who struggle with stigma daily.

Submitted on Aug 8, 2023

Recently, I had the extreme pleasure of attending the 2023 Motown Experience: Birth & Breastfeeding Conference hosted by the Black Mothers' Breastfeeding Association in Detroit, MI.

Submitted on Aug 1, 2023

Hello my lovely people. Some of us are always counting their age, forgetting to do the things that make them happy. Remember, there is no such thing as putting your life on hold, because we are all ageing, every day!

Submitted on Jul 28, 2023

I didn't want to write a harmful blog, but it's my duty. As the title says, the Republican Party is proposing an appropriation bill to cut significant HIV/AIDS funds.

Submitted on Jul 21, 2023

HIV can teach us many things. Once you find out you have HIV, it will be a lifelong journey of medication. Along with medication, there are other ways we can live well with HIV. I talk to Bridgette...

Submitted on Jul 20, 2023

Y'all I'm out here living 2020 in 2023... While y'all was stuck at home, looking cute up top and only wearing ya underwears or jammies under the table I was out EVERYDAY going to work cause Covid what...

Submitted on Jul 18, 2023

So, I don't know if you know That I've been at this social media, advocacy thing for a little minute now. Probably bout, what, like 4 or 5 years or something like that? However long ago it was, I...

Submitted on Jul 13, 2023

Hola. Mi nombre es Alessandra Blásquez. Fui diagnosticada en abril del 2004. A mí no me afectó mucho saber que era positiva porque ya sabía que existía medicamento...

Submitted on Jul 11, 2023


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