activism, advocacy


It doesn't matter how you became positive; what matters is how you live your positive life.

Submitted on Nov 15, 2023

It's crucial to recognize that HIV doesn't discriminate based on gender identity, yet society often does.

Submitted on Nov 13, 2023

Love has a curious way of defying our expectations and leading us down uncharted paths. My journey with Maximo is a testament to this unpredictability, a story of love, acceptance, and personal growth that challenged my beliefs and ultimately enriched my life.

Submitted on Nov 13, 2023

Es crucial reconocer que el VIH no discrimina según la identidad de género, pero la sociedad a menudo sí.

Submitted on Nov 13, 2023

Have you ever had a dilemma where you had to choose between what is best for you as a person or for us a HIV community? Last week I had to make such a choice.

Submitted on Oct 31, 2023

Life gives you chances, and you have to take advantage of them... HIV made me stronger. It empowered me even more.

Submitted on Oct 23, 2023

La vida te da chances y hay que aprovecharlas... El VIH me hizo más fuerte y me empoderó más.

Submitted on Oct 23, 2023

You know what? People living with HIV are not your tokens! We demand respect for the organizations that serve us to practice MIPA and GIPA! The more that I observe the guts of AIDS Inc., the more...

Submitted on Oct 18, 2023

Those of us aging with HIV need to make our voices heard. When we are asked about our experiences, we need to be honest about what we are experiencing because polite responses and silence will not get us anywhere.

Submitted on Oct 16, 2023

I know... I know.... you're probably clutching your pearls right now. But that's not what I'm talking about.

Submitted on Oct 9, 2023


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