A Girl Like Me Contributors

A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

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Contributors (Bloggers)

Hello, I am a 50 year old woman from the Midwest & HIV positive. I am not sure how long…several doctors did not check me because I did not know "how to ask". I was sexually active and showed precursors to testing…but because of the additional...

I am a daughter, niece, sister, cousin and mom. I will be 36 years old this birthday. Three days before I will celebrate my 8 year poziversary. My diagnosis was a surprise, since I had tested negative for HIV only the year before while in what I...

I'm a 42-year-old Khmer woman (a refugee from Cambodia). A mom of one, an auntie of many, and an animal lover. I am a trauma survivor, constantly talking to others about the benefits of mental health and a translator for my community. I love the...

Lovinglife is a long-term survivor living with HIV since 1985, surviving an AIDS diagnosis, homelessness, and drug addiction, she has spent the past few decades being an advocate for HIV and women's health issues. Lovinglife is currently working...

UequalsU, not HIV. One year ago I was diagnosed with HIV. I'm not a victim! I'm walking sunshine with victory that's filled with powerful testimonies. I thank God that I'm alive and he chose me to be a part of such a phenomenal battle. I accepted my...

Lynette Trawick is a Philadelphia native, a Christian, a wife and a mother of 11. She is a Kingdom Entrepreneur with a deep passion and desire to serve her community in many different aspects, especially in the growth of our youth. She volunteers her...

My name is Lilian from Kenya. I am 37 years old. As a young lady I always had the dream in life just like any other person to have a good education and start my family. I was diagnosed in the year 2007, and it's something that many people in society...

Lynnea was born in Los Angeles California. She found out about her HIV status at the age of 7. For as long as she could remember she has had dreams of being a model. The older she got the more she saw her dream fading away. She felt that no one would...

My name is Mandy Webb and I was diagnosed HIV Positive back in 2002 after a long, long time of illness and looking back…wondering why the hell I wasn't tested earlier??? I ended up being admitted to hospital in apparently the 3rd stage of HIV so it...

I am an African American woman living with HIV. I have been living with HIV since 1993 and diagnosed in January 1994. I am 49 years old. I have two children, a daughter age 25 and a son 20. I am a divorcee and a survivor of an abusive marriage...

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