A Girl Like Me (AGLM), a program of The Well Project, is a blog where women across the gender spectrum can share their experiences and promote understanding of HIV. Millions of women around the globe are living with HIV, yet many feel they are alone in their disease and isolated in their day-to-day experiences. The goals of AGLM are to help normalize HIV; and to create a safe space for women living with HIV from around the world to speak out and share their experiences – with each other, and with those seeking a support community.

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Recent Blog Posts

Apr 20, 2010
 - linda1st

Hello, I am a 50 year old woman from the Midwest & HIV positive. I am not sure how long...several doctors did not check me because I did not know "how to ask". I was sexually active and showed...

Apr 6, 2010
 - sharonm10

Well today at 13:07 (1:07 pm), I took a home pregnancy test and the result was positive. For five years I thought I had this condom thing perfected. I am scared, shocked and all the other words that...

Mar 29, 2010
 - katie06

I just want to say that I feel so blessed to be a part of this blog. I have never felt so empowered since my diagnosis. This opportunity has provided me confidence and pride. After my diagnosis, I...

Mar 26, 2010
 - jae001

March 24, 1970 @ 08:05 I was born. In 1991 I really never thought I would be alive to see my 40th Birthday! Here it is! I am healthy and have a bright future! I have a loving and supportive husband...

Mar 24, 2010
 - tatty2gud

I’m the only person I know who has had more tragedies, and, yes, self pity can sometimes creep in. I was raped by my own family members, I was infected on purpose, one of the times I got raped and...

Mar 22, 2010
 - katie06

I'm the first to admit that I don't know much about the Health Care Reform Bill. But I am also the first to shout that we need a change in the U.S. health care system. To live in such a rich and...

Mar 8, 2010

On March 10 th, those of us in the USA will observe National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. As a women living with AIDS, I experience a variety of emotions around “awareness days” like this...

Mar 5, 2010
 - jae001

Not only is it important for girls and women living with HIV to feel accepted, it is important to raise awareness to girls and women to the chances of them being infected with HIV. This blog helps us...

Mar 1, 2010
 - katie06

I’ve fought depression for nearly 15 years and HIV for only 3. Over the past 15 years, I have consistently taken my prescription anti-depressant medications. But after being diagnosed with HIV 3 years...

Feb 24, 2010
 - jae001

Even though HIV is a part of my life, it doesn’t dictate how I spend my time. I am very busy with my kids, work, and school. I am planning for my future. I am very lucky to be able to say I have a...


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