treatment advocacy

Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

In honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD), The Well Project joined forces with partner organization, Positive Women's Network-USA, to present "What You Need to Know: HIV Among Transgender Women and Barriers to Care."

Submitted on: Mar 14, 2017

This year I was looking forward to changes with the new president. I realize it is a choice to get on an antiviral therapy and continue to strive to reach an undetectable viral load. Today I went to...

Submitted on: Mar 14, 2017

Women and girls who are living with HIV/AIDS wear many hats. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, wives, caretakers, friends–and the many hats can go on and on. National Women and Girls HIV...

Submitted on: Mar 9, 2017

"He tried to erase me in one fell swoop. Make my existence not even worthy of a footnote or postscript." These are the words I wanted to scream as I searched the White House page on Friday, January 20, 2017

Submitted on: Jan 24, 2017

My name is Arianna Lint and I am the Executive Director of a local trans advocacy and service organization Arianna's center. I wear many hats

Submitted on: Sep 28, 2016

You know, for years and years I have asked doctors the same question??? Why, if I have been undetectable for 17 years and do everything humanly possible to raise my T-cells by being SUPER adherent and...

Submitted on: Sep 15, 2016
logo image

It was such an honor to attend the 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) in Durban, South, Africa.

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2016

Hi everyone! I have something to let you all know about being proactive in your HIV care.

Submitted on: Aug 23, 2016

I am Maria Hiv Mejia-Laing. I am here as a living example that HIV/AIDS is not the end!

Submitted on: Mar 24, 2016

Results: HIV 0 Me 1 As I type the score, I want to share it's not a competition, or a game, but definitely a victory!

Submitted on: Mar 3, 2016

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