Growing up in a small rural North Carolina town, I grew up listening to artists like Sam Cooke. The lyrics from one of his songs describe the hope that my advocacy work is a contribution to change....

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2018

The current conditions create a safe place to get to know what makes me tick, happy, passionate... I have told more of my close friends on a one on one face to face talk that I live with HIV. I am...

Submitted on: Jun 8, 2018

I first heard the Undetectable equals Untransmittable message in 2016 and it changed everything about how I felt about myself. I was diagnosed in June of 2000 so that’s 16 years of living in the dark...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2018

To read in Spanish, click here / Para leer en español, presione aquí I am very grateful for the Building HOPE program of The Well Project. Since working together, we not only presented at this Summit...

Submitted on: May 31, 2018

My year has been full of changes. I am willing to learn from mistakes; rebuilding can be fun. Today I awake to my granddaughter (12) and my mom. Mom cooks the best; we are having hash omelettes. Yum...

Submitted on: May 29, 2018

I felt so alone for so long. I mean it was only for about a year. I met this one lady at my first doctor's appointment and I still felt alone.

Submitted on: May 28, 2018

Living for so many years with HIV I often reflect on things in the past and how I dealt with the many challenges that have come my way. Today I'm thinking about how grateful I am to have been able to...

Submitted on: May 28, 2018

Living with an HIV diagnosis today is quite different than it was just a few decades ago.

Submitted on: May 22, 2018

Long Term Survivor day is coming up soon, a day when we celebrate the longevity, the courage, the strength and especially the wisdom of those who have lived with the disease for many years, through...

Submitted on: May 21, 2018

Hello, it's been a minute since I wrote a blog. I am reminded of Long Term Survivors Day as it approaches. I was diagnosed in 1997. I suspected until yesterday I was given this condition through a sex...

Submitted on: May 15, 2018

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