HIV women


SPEAK UP! 2018 was full of learning experiences, humility, sass and love. #PWNSummit #Speakup2018 I was greeted at the airport by Tami Haught and a group of ladies traveling to the same event. This...

Submitted on: Apr 27, 2018
Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

The Well Project: Building Hope and Leadership Among Women Living with HIV is the first in our WATCH! 2018 treatment advocacy webinar series.

Submitted on: Mar 12, 2018

Why Language Matters; Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words is the third webinar in our WATCH! 2017 treatment advocacy webinar series!

Submitted on: Nov 7, 2017

While many four letter words come to mind regarding yesterday's House vote to pass the American Health Care Act (labeled by some as an "act of monstrous cruelty"), the one we need to keep at the...

Submitted on: May 5, 2017

What a whirlwind these past months have been!! I want to start by thanking The Well Project for helping me attend so many of these very important events, conferences and summits!

Submitted on: Nov 3, 2016
logo image

It was a great privilege given to me by The Well Project (TWP) and the International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016) who gave me a partial scholarship to attend the upcoming IAC in Durban, South Africa. I never could have been able to attend if not for The Well Project and its team of great people who encouraged me to apply for the scholarship.

Submitted on: Jul 14, 2016
Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

On July 7, 2016, The Well Project joined forces with partner organizations, Positive Women’s Network-USA, and to present "Why Race Matters: Women, Intersectionality, and HIV."

Submitted on: Jul 11, 2016

I have written this over and over again. I was going to write about the things that disappointed me while at AIDSWATCH 2015 but I couldn't. I have no desire to put people on blast. It would not...

Submitted on: Apr 24, 2015

Going over 2014 and what is coming for 2015 How changing your thoughts can improve your wellbeing Recordando el 2014 y lo que viene para el 2015 Como nuestros pensamientos pueden mejorar nuestro...

Submitted on: Jan 27, 2015

Waiting, waiting for the test results, what can I say? Will it be high, low? How low can I go? I went in so confidently, no fear, I actually look forward to it, the reaffirmation that I'm doing well...

Submitted on: Dec 2, 2014

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