HIV stigma


YES! Not everyone is an activist! And we must respect this...not all people are prepared to come out of their HIV closet because others want them too! They are not less than anyone..many of them are...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2011

Yes! I now know better because, just like many HIV+ women, I thought that men like us would probably treat us better and be a little kinder because they could relate to what was happening in our lives...

Submitted on: Jun 27, 2011

I want to be the voices of those that have been discriminated for living with HIV/AIDS or for supporting us! There are stories of people from all over the world that wrote me in my international group...

Submitted on: Jun 13, 2011

I received the news that I have been accepted do my Masters degree. I was excited beyond words. As I shared these wonderful news with a close friend of mine I could not help but notice the worry in...

Submitted on: Jun 6, 2011

Isn’t it weird how we are perceived by others? I went to meet friends for an ‘Andy Warhol’ exhibition the other day; I’ve known them for years and met them through being Positive. I don’t get to see...

Submitted on: Apr 27, 2011

Our high school Gay Straight Alliance club, one of the clubs I sponsor, observed the "Day of Silence" April 15th. Our school has 720 students and approximately 50 students and staff were silent for...

Submitted on: Apr 25, 2011

On a trip to the local Health Department with my daughter today, I decided to attempt to volunteer (to help educate), AGAIN! I don't know what, or where....but it makes sense to make myself...

Submitted on: Apr 20, 2011

Becoming HIV Positive really turned my life ‘Upside Down’ and really put things into perspective. Working out what was really important and rationalizing about things that happened and why they happen...

Submitted on: Apr 11, 2011

Once again my blog will be about something that happened in my Facebook. I have the name there 'MariaHIV'. I created that name not because I am HIV, but because I wanted to attract people to by...

Submitted on: Apr 6, 2011

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