HIV stigma


Let's Stand up and Applaud each other…for survival, strength, determination, Purpose, and Destiny…Now, take a look around you…look to your neighbors on your left and now look to your neighbors on the...

Submitted on: Jun 19, 2012

Hi everyone, We just wanted to share this short clip of a documentary about A Girl Like Me blogger, Maria Mejia, and her advocacy work and use of social media to promote HIV awareness and prevention...

Submitted on: Jun 18, 2012

Please welcome a new contributor to our Voices from our Allies page on A Girl Like Me, Sonya Mallard. Please scroll down to view her first blog " Erasing Stigma 1 Church at a Time", as well as more...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2012

When HIV/AIDS first came out in the public eye, a lot of people of color automatically stigmatized HIV as a gay white disease. So they went around with this notion in their heads that they couldn't...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2012

There were many a times when I often use to sigh and say “Why Me of all people”. What did I do to deserve it? Why should I have to undergo suffering at the cost of others? Worse, why do I have to...

Submitted on: Jun 4, 2012

My sister and I recently attended a volunteer training session with a local AIDS Service Organization (ASO). To be honest, before I became positive, I had no idea what an ASO even was! The training...

Submitted on: Jun 1, 2012

I recently encountered the harsh reality of the stigma that goes along with being HIV+ once again. One of my bestest (lol) friends was accused of being HIV+ because she hangs out with me. I often...

Submitted on: May 23, 2012

Sometimes it's more trouble than it's worth. How did you get it, how old were you? Do you have AIDS or just HIV? Really, just HIV? LOL are you sick? have you ever been really sick... so after 100...

Submitted on: May 15, 2012

I have been missing you women! I have been absent, but not gone. I get excited each time my email tells me one of my sisters has written a new blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been sharing my voice. Updates...

Submitted on: May 10, 2012

I can remember back in 1993 trying to get pregnant, via turkey baster and by standing on my head using a bowl, and going to the doctor to get a blood test to see if I was pregnant yet and the doctor...

Submitted on: May 9, 2012

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