HIV stigma


Have you ever had a dilemma where you had to choose between what is best for you as a person or for us a HIV community? Last week I had to make such a choice.

Submitted on: Oct 31, 2023

I've told my story a ton of times about what led to me contracting HIV. I was always cautious as to not say certain things that could point to the person I contracted from or even more tell a story that wasn't mine to tell

Submitted on: Oct 12, 2023

In this profound journey through the shadows, I've witnessed the evolution of our complex relationship with HIV and our quest for healing – my mother's and mine.

Submitted on: Oct 6, 2023

My decision to openly share my HIV status at the age of 23 was not about seeking attention but about filling a critical gap in the conversation.

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2023

Keep fighting. Take it one step at a time. Can't do it by yourself? Seek help.

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2023

It is September 25th, 2023. This day marks my 11th year of knowing that I'm living with HIV.

Submitted on: Sep 25, 2023

I want to blog for A Girl Like Me because it is the most encouraging combined force of powerful women, people and allies, speaking out and showing solidarity.

Submitted on: Sep 6, 2023

Thanks to an invitation from Sensoa Belgium, I was happily part of Antwerp Pride and contribute to their campaign Is PrEP iets voor jou? (is PrEP something for you?).

Submitted on: Aug 25, 2023

At one point I really thought I wanted a road map for this life with HIV. Like, really, really wanted a road map. I wanted more than just "you're not going to die."

Submitted on: Aug 24, 2023

Let me tell you how my HIV diagnosis led to me at New York Fashion Week. I attended my routine check-up as usual. I was triaged and after being placed in the exam room, my doctor asked to speak with...

Submitted on: Aug 15, 2023

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