HIV stigma

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Just imagine being able to spend a weekend with 349 other people who understood and could identify with what you have been through and what you are dealing with today.

Submitted on: May 1, 2018

Does anyone even care that Latinos represented 17% of the U.S. population but account for 24% of all new HIV diagnoses? That Blacks make up only 12% of the U.S. population, and they account for 44% of...

Submitted on: Apr 10, 2018
Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

The Well Project: Building Hope and Leadership Among Women Living with HIV is the first in our WATCH! 2018 treatment advocacy webinar series.

Submitted on: Mar 12, 2018

They say God said "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but mine!" 2 Chronicles 20:15

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2018

What HIV means to ME! (H)avoc (I)nto (V)ictory On November 28, 2016, I received a phone call that would alter my life Forever! I was asked to come in as soon as possible to discuss all lab results. I...

Submitted on: Jan 23, 2018

So far I am a one year survivor of HIV. A twenty five year old single mother of four that is very outspoken and driven. I contracted the virus by my children’s father, who didn't know his status until...

Submitted on: Jan 10, 2018

Another year, another day that we live in this continuous fight on World AIDS Day. December 1 and the rest of the year, advocates around the country continue to make things happen. Many who paved the...

Submitted on: Dec 6, 2017

When I found out I tested positive for HIV I was first unprepared to process what was going on in my body. Knowing since 93 it could lie dormant in my body and having lost my first sexual partner to...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2017

Why Language Matters; Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words is the third webinar in our WATCH! 2017 treatment advocacy webinar series!

Submitted on: Nov 7, 2017

I'm a 17 year advocate. I'm a 47 year old separated mother of 3. I contracted HIV from an ex-boyfriend who was separated from his baby mother; they both were positive and I didn't know about his status.

Submitted on: Oct 18, 2017

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