HIV research


On a recent episode of TheBody's Instagram Live series “At Home With,” The Well Project executive director Krista Martel talks with Charles Sanchez about what our organization is up to.

Submitted on: May 1, 2024
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I'm always happy to get the opportunity to attend a meeting or conference, so when I was approached with the opportunity to attend a conference virtually, I was happy to accept, especially one like the International Workshop on HIV and Women.

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2024
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So, if you remember my last blog, I shared my pregnancy news and my plans to breastfeed my baby. Well, I breastfed, it didn't last long though, but let's get into this short story.

Submitted on: Mar 6, 2024

Those of us aging with HIV need to make our voices heard. When we are asked about our experiences, we need to be honest about what we are experiencing because polite responses and silence will not get us anywhere.

Submitted on: Oct 16, 2023
Researcher in lab with vials and a Petrie dish.

Learn about the different ways in which scientists are trying to develop a cure for HIV.

Submitted on: Aug 15, 2023

Where are we in finding a cure for HIV, why is it taking so long, and where do women fit in? Learn answers to these questions and more.

Submitted on: Jul 13, 2023
Dawn Averitt and Richard Averitt

I still meet people today who say, You have no idea how many people I've helped with your information. What's so beautiful to me about that is it's our information, our voices, our experiences, our questions. That is the magic of The Well Project from my perspective: We come to the well.

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2023

I don't know what came over me. Here I am, an unsure, brand new mom living with HIV, holding my newly born baby in my arms, and something kept telling me, "Just do it. Just tell them." The nurse asked...

Submitted on: Apr 14, 2023

I attended the International Workshop on HIV and Women 2023 virtually on February 17-18. I love attending conferences in person, there's nothing like the experience and energy of those in-person...

Submitted on: Mar 3, 2023

It is always a weird feeling when presenting at a conference or workshop. On one hand, I'm excited because of the opportunity to be among people who are passionate like me; and on the other hand, I...

Submitted on: Mar 2, 2023

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