HIV relationships


Hello my lovely people. It is always great to have something to keep you positively busy during these strange Covid times. So I am very excited to share a new initiative called stories of hope with...

Submitted on: Apr 19, 2021

Given that we are in February, which is not only Black History month but also the month of LOVE, I felt compelled to share this message with y'all.

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2021

My dear lovely people living with HIV, I am not sure if we all know what U=U means. If not, I am always glad to explain it once again as it is really important to know U=U and how it can help to break...

Submitted on: Jan 19, 2021

I remember fond memories of Christmas in the days of my youth, watching all of the classics like Rudolph, Frosty, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas Special, etc. on tv every year...

Submitted on: Jan 15, 2021

2020 has been a year for us all. I know mine has been met with heartache, joy and so many things in between. But since being diagnosed in 2016, I finally decided 2020 was the year I would date and be unapologetically HIV+.

Submitted on: Dec 22, 2020

Awwwww shit. Here comes the uncomfortable feelings. The ones that come when I don't have a man by my side. I'm going to try to explain what I'm feeling, which is hard because I don't really believe...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2020

I was making tacos last night (I make amazing tacos by the way), and I had the thought that I wished I was making them for someone else. Cooking for someone else. Almost simultaneously realized how lonely I am. It hurt my damn feelings.

Submitted on: Oct 1, 2020

It has been seven years since I have blogged with you, my sisters. I had no idea it had been so long. In part, I think it's "ok". No need to judge myself about my absence, but rather perhaps...

Submitted on: Jul 8, 2020

On the morning of May 16th, 2016 - the first appointment with my primary care physician, I vividly recall waking up overwhelmed with new and refreshing feelings of hope. I stepped out of bed with hope...

Submitted on: Jul 6, 2020

Lucky for me, I have been fortunate enough to find people who still want to date me after I disclose that I am HIV positive...

Submitted on: Mar 12, 2020

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