HIV relationships


My decision to openly share my HIV status at the age of 23 was not about seeking attention but about filling a critical gap in the conversation.

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2023

Keep fighting. Take it one step at a time. Can't do it by yourself? Seek help.

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2023

Maybe you do need to start again. I encourage you to keep trying because there is always a new day. A new moment. A new opportunity. Yes, there will be another time to try again or simply recreate a new path.

Submitted on: Aug 14, 2023

Since my 2016 diagnosis in Florida, I've always known if I don't disclose my HIV status to a sexual partner I could be criminalized. Essentially it didn't matter because morally I felt that I should tell the person, but at what point do I not get to put myself in a potentially stigmatized or worse situation?

Submitted on: Jun 20, 2023

Hello, my name is Taj Gray and I am an African-American woman living with HIV. I hail from Chicago, Illinois, and I am a military brat. I've lived in California, Virginia, and I currently reside in...

Submitted on: Jun 2, 2023

My parents are from the Caribbean. I was born and brought up in London, UK. I found the love of my life when I was 49 and I am engaged to be married. I have been living with HIV for over 17 years.

Submitted on: May 31, 2023

Taking into account the aspects that make up our quality of life, it will be important to understand that it improves and is enhanced not only from taking our treatment.

Submitted on: Apr 17, 2023

When I was about 4 or 5 years old, some nights I used to be awakened by a mysterious swaying of the curtains in my room. Immediately, I would start seeing shapes that scared me a lot: deformed faces, threatening animals.

Submitted on: Mar 20, 2023

I've learned a sex conversation before sexual intimacy is so much more than my HIV status. If a man isn't open to STD testing and condoms in the initial phase of dating, they are in denial about sexual intimacy responsibility and not boyfriend material.

Submitted on: Mar 6, 2023

As part of a collaboration with our longtime partner organization Christie's Place, The Well Project will be sharing stories from their book "Healing Hope: A woven tapestry of strength and solace" as...

Submitted on: Jan 30, 2023

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