HIV depression


It's been a long time since I've felt down on myself about my status. It took me almost two years to finally tell someone and when I did, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off me. I've used my...

Submitted on: Mar 10, 2020

In a world full of HIV Negative people, us handful of HIV Positive people feel so alone, and I know for a fact I'm not the only one. It's a normal feeling that happens to us all, but why do we have to...

Submitted on: Jan 14, 2020

Today was a busy day for me but I finally got a minute to sit down and think. I deal with depression so much that I always second guess my emotions when I feel any way other than sad. I woke up, got...

Submitted on: Dec 26, 2019

Today was one of those days. In exactly 9 days I will have been diagnosed with HIV for exactly two years, and as that day is getting closer, I feel my world getting smaller. It's like my mind is...

Submitted on: Dec 18, 2019

I am devastatingly tired. Today it is a weight pressing on my spirit. It is almost as if it's the only emotion I have room for.

Submitted on: Dec 12, 2019

Fighting the darkness within is a daily challenge, but to stop fighting is death.

Submitted on: Dec 5, 2019

See, a girl like me, living in a cruel cold world…with little to no backbone support.

Submitted on: Nov 24, 2019

My name is Marissa Gonzalez, originally from New Jersey, now living in sunny Southwest Florida.

Submitted on: Nov 18, 2019

I was 26 years old. My children were 1 and 6 years old. I had recently ended a mentally and physically abusive relationship.

Submitted on: Nov 18, 2019

When I found out I was HIV positive, I didn’t know much about the virus except for what I remember learning in my high school health class. I thought I was going to die young. I thought I would look...

Submitted on: Nov 5, 2019

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