HIV depression

Woman's face with criss-crossed shadows across it.

Feeling low? Learn about depression – what it is, why women living with HIV are likely to have it, and why it is important to diagnose and treat it.

Submitted on: Aug 22, 2024
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I'm never beat until I quit trying. It's been a week in my motel. No abuse, no drugs, I am climbing my way out of depression and being grateful for all I have.

Submitted on: Jul 12, 2024
Logo for A Girl Like Me LIVE, a program of The Well Project with silhouette of 5 women and 3 stars.

Check out The Well Project's A Girl Like Me LIVE!, an interactive, livestreaming series created to advance health and wellness education among women living with and vulnerable to HIV.

Submitted on: Jun 27, 2024
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If you struggle with addiction, depression or mental health, please know how important you are and reach out. I shut down, now I need to relearn self love and self esteem.

Submitted on: Jun 20, 2024
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What do you do when the life you want so desperately to forget collides with the life you've created? You feel.

Submitted on: May 23, 2024
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What was the most impactful were the stories told by each of us living with HIV. It would not have been nearly as successful without our voices.

Submitted on: Apr 1, 2024
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Stigma is deadlier than the disease itself, and the top driver of HIV stigma, in my opinion, is the church.

Submitted on: Feb 2, 2024
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Having navigated the challenges of living with HIV, I've experienced firsthand the stigma and misconceptions surrounding this virus.

Submitted on: Dec 21, 2023

My name is Nitanita. I’m California-born and raised, 55 years old, Black, single, and have two adult kids and two grandkids. I'm a professional currently working in field of behavioral/mental health...

Submitted on: Nov 20, 2023

It doesn't matter how you became positive; what matters is how you live your positive life.

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2023

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