HIV advocacy


I have young daughters – ages 6 and 8. So, I no longer have the luxury of simply brushing by them with my red ribbon and saying, “It’s World AIDS Day. This year the theme is Universal Access and Human...

Submitted on: Dec 1, 2010

I often read the blogs where women have found empowerment by revealing their status and becoming involved as AIDS activists. I admire all of you who are so honest. The mere thought of sharing mine...

Submitted on: Nov 17, 2010

When I was diagnosed HIV positive, I didn’t know who to tell or how to tell. After disclosing to my immediate family and friends it felt like weight had been lifted off of me and I realized that...

Submitted on: Nov 11, 2010

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Submitted on: Oct 25, 2010

For some reason, every time I sit down to write my blog over the last couple weeks, I get very upset, emotionally and physically. I literally begin to feel sick to my stomach. My mind races of...

Submitted on: Oct 11, 2010

I lost a friend last week; someone, like me, who battled HIV and other illnesses for a very long time. He was an amazing person who was there when you needed him. He never complained of his own...

Submitted on: Aug 30, 2010

For the first time, I participated in an AIDS Walk. Honestly, it was a bit surreal. I thought I’d feel very nervous and uncomfortable, but it quite the opposite. I felt at ease. I felt accepted. For...

Submitted on: Aug 2, 2010

Today President Obama is releasing the long-anticipated National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS). Why is this a big deal? Well, for several reasons. First, we've never had one! That's right, the United...

Submitted on: Jul 13, 2010

People who are HIV positive have had a long history of playing the HIV ‘waiting game’ When HIV was first discovered, we all waited for treatment. We waited for medications, anything that would help...

Submitted on: Jun 29, 2010

I acquired HIV in 1985 from my fiancé who use to shoot dope as a teen in New York. What a gift he gave me. I spent the next few years in a drunken, coked out haze of parties and hangovers. I made a...

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2010

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