HIV advocacy


I can't believe I just watched a team of real doctors inject a 6-year-old girl with a deadly disease... and smile. Who knew something called a "serial killer" cell could bring so much unforgettable...

Submitted on: Jun 24, 2013

I have been holding back on talking about something that has been going on...Well, I noticed a big lump on my right breast and it hurt. So like always, I was quick with my health and made an...

Submitted on: Jun 12, 2013

The other day I read a blog on another website that caught my eye. The blog is titled, “ Is it Homophobia or “Heterophobia”? Tell Them That It’s Human Nature, ” and while it was very well written, I...

Submitted on: Jun 10, 2013

It has been a while since I have written. It’s not because I haven’t wanted to. I think of all my fellow bloggers, and I wish I had more time to share and more time to read your blogs. I am overloaded...

Submitted on: Jun 7, 2013

Well, I was told by someone that made a comment on my pic and my personal Facebook profile (which is this one) that although they admired my work and spirit, I shouldn't make HIV so "Fashionista." He...

Submitted on: May 28, 2013

  Sometimes I wonder, truly wonder...where did the 'Girl in Me' go? Then, things happen as they did last night. Here in my city, Winston-Salem, NC...I'm privileged to be a part of so many things...  ...

Submitted on: May 23, 2013

I’ll be the first person to admit that I am not a huge fan of Tyler Perry’s projects therefore I had no interest in viewing his newest film Temptation. Less than a week after the movie’s release, a...

Submitted on: May 22, 2013

I am the biggest advocator of following your dreams. Try to tell that to someone who was just diagnosed with a life-altering illness. I remember being 21 years old thinking my life was over. I decided...

Submitted on: May 17, 2013

Below is my bilingual Vlog from an ex dissident telling me what happened and I also share some information for those scared of treatment. Video bilingue de un ex disidente que casi muere y algunos...

Submitted on: May 16, 2013

The Red Ribbon Dress had two great events last year. Firstly it was invited along to The Sussex Beacon Gala Celebrity Event and appeared in the window of Waterstone's Book Shop in Gower Street, London...

Submitted on: May 13, 2013

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