HIV advocacy


Where do I start? AIDSWatch, as many know, is a very important conference where us activists gather and advocate for our states.

Submitted on: Apr 26, 2018

Hello, my name is LaDawn Tate. I am 36 years old and I would like to share my story about me being positive.

Submitted on: Apr 25, 2018

My name is Katie Adsila Willingham and I'm from a small, rural town in northwest Alabama called Tuscumbia. For all you history buffs out there, Tuscumbia is the birthplace of Helen Keller, and we're...

Submitted on: Apr 16, 2018

As we move into the 4th decade in the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the USA and the World, we must come to realize that the standards for prevention and outreach have failed to include, reach communities and sub-communities other than the Gay community.

Submitted on: Mar 16, 2018
Logo for WATCH (Women's Advocacy & Treatment Coalition on HIV) with woman symbol & colorful circles.

The Well Project: Building Hope and Leadership Among Women Living with HIV is the first in our WATCH! 2018 treatment advocacy webinar series.

Submitted on: Mar 12, 2018

They say God said "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but mine!" 2 Chronicles 20:15

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2018

A recharge. I have set things, people, friends, solidarity, women, and some of my sisters all in a space of chaos in my life. Fighting a fight others pretend is not here (mental health). It is here as...

Submitted on: Feb 23, 2018

Another year, another day that we live in this continuous fight on World AIDS Day. December 1 and the rest of the year, advocates around the country continue to make things happen. Many who paved the...

Submitted on: Dec 6, 2017

Why Language Matters; Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words is the third webinar in our WATCH! 2017 treatment advocacy webinar series!

Submitted on: Nov 7, 2017

Hello friends. What a life. I am without a lot of words as I begin to write. Still getting over being banned and overlooked by my mentor and peer navigators. I signed a paper in my medical directive...

Submitted on: Nov 3, 2017

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