HIV advocacy


If there is anything the past several weeks have reminded us, it is that we live in times of infuriating denial and powerful, wide-ranging truth-telling. From climate breakdown, to an abusive and divisive new Supreme Court justice, to the attempted erasure of our sisters and brothers of transgender experience, to numerous heinous hate crimes, there seems to be no end to the ways our communities bear the violence of disregard by those in power.

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I may never forget the night I got the email from Bruce Richman (founder and Executive Director of the Prevention Access Campaign U=U) asking if I would be interested in joining a campaign.

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I'm not changing who I am because of your fear. So last Sunday an article came out about HIV with a small portion about me with a picture. So read this, ok I choose to be a voice because of comments...

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I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best when she said this about confidence "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself I lived through the horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

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I love September, because it’s that time of year again, time for the end of summer conference on the sands of Fort Walton…Positive Living. I love this conference and look forward to going every year, because of all the HIV conferences, this one is special, let me tell you why by sharing my experience with Positive Living that began four years ago.

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Touchdown… I finally land in Huntsville International Airport at 10:00 pm. I felt like it was two in the morning and I walked all the way to Huntsville from Orlando on foot. I was exhausted, but what...

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As I sat at my computer this morning and logged onto Twitter, I realized that today is the National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18th). This made me smile, as it confirms that treatment...

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A breath of fresh air. "Live in Your Truth". First time I heard that said was Speak Up 2018. Inspired by a young lady, Wanona, who also blogs for A Girl Like Me. My first time as a co-presenter for A...

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I'm sitting here thinking about an upcoming conference that I'll be attending in the next few weeks, thinking about my schedule, my expectations and anticipations, but mostly about the people I'm...

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My first meeting of any type to meet a candidate. I was able to ask Aaron Ford about his knowledge on the current HIV laws here in Nevada. He said he didn't know anything. I think this is an important...

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