HIV advocacy


Before we even heard of COVID-19, people living with HIV or AIDS were already facing stigma and discrimination as I experienced and shared with you regularly with healthcare providers throughout the...

Submitted on: May 8, 2020

As a new member of A Girl Like Me, my intention of joining this group was to begin sharing the story of my HIV diagnosis, how I advocated for myself and my daughter during my first pregnancy, and how I'm advocating for my current pregnancy.

Submitted on: Apr 20, 2020

I'm a 28-year-old HIV-positive (since 6/6/16) female living in Natural Bridge, Virginia with my husband, my daughter, two dogs, and two cats.

Submitted on: Apr 15, 2020

Today I was invited to celebrate International Women's Day in Culemborg. Foundation Intercultureel Vrouwen Culemborg (DIVC) organized a party with the theme "Freedom". The event started at 13h with a...

Submitted on: Mar 11, 2020

I am a twenty-four year old African American woman who is HIV positive. One in seven black people with HIV are unaware that they have it. I was twenty-two when I found out I was positive. I was also...

Submitted on: Feb 7, 2020

From my place of silence I choose the path of freedom By speaking out the hidden truth Regarding you, HIV virus! Why walk the endless journey? The fulfillment my life was missing Was to be free from...

Submitted on: Jan 28, 2020

When I was first diagnosed in 2016, I did some research on organizations with a focus on HIV. I came across a group called Youth Across Borders (YAB). YAB is an organization providing youth living...

Submitted on: Jan 21, 2020

So I recently spiked a slight viral load and was unsure why because I never skip doses. I've been undetectable since 2003. I was told if you don't skip doses you won't become resistant to your...

Submitted on: Jan 16, 2020

#TheWellProject. Where it all came alive to me. Life. Dreams. U = U...

Submitted on: Dec 31, 2019

Future Assured, an initiative of the Aisha Buhari Foundation ("ABF"), is a non-governmental organization set up with the vision of securing the future for women and children. Her Excellency Dr. Aisha...

Submitted on: Dec 26, 2019

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