HIV activist

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Many of you know that I love writing poems... [It] is a great moment to use a poem to reflect and to compliment ourselves on our fight to end HIV stigma and discrimination.

Submitted on: Jan 4, 2024
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Hello my lovely people, Today we are celebrating World AIDS Day. Being part of the HIV community I try to contribute in as many ways as possible to fight HIV stigma and discrimination. So as HIV...

Submitted on: Dec 8, 2023

It doesn't matter how you became positive; what matters is how you live your positive life.

Submitted on: Nov 15, 2023

Have you ever had a dilemma where you had to choose between what is best for you as a person or for us a HIV community? Last week I had to make such a choice.

Submitted on: Oct 31, 2023

You know what? People living with HIV are not your tokens! We demand respect for the organizations that serve us to practice MIPA and GIPA! The more that I observe the guts of AIDS Inc., the more...

Submitted on: Oct 18, 2023

My decision to openly share my HIV status at the age of 23 was not about seeking attention but about filling a critical gap in the conversation.

Submitted on: Oct 3, 2023

My lovely people, these past few days I have been very proactive and this is really boosting my confidence and energy as well. Last weekend I was invited to give a THRIVE workshop during the 4th...

Submitted on: Sep 29, 2023

Last year at USCHA I stood in a room and said We are not long-term survivors, but we are LIFETIME SURVIVORS.

Submitted on: Sep 15, 2023

Thanks to an invitation from Sensoa Belgium, I was happily part of Antwerp Pride and contribute to their campaign Is PrEP iets voor jou? (is PrEP something for you?).

Submitted on: Aug 25, 2023

Hello my lovely people. Some of us are always counting their age, forgetting to do the things that make them happy. Remember, there is no such thing as putting your life on hold, because we are all ageing, every day!

Submitted on: Jul 28, 2023

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