A Girl Like Me


Suffering in silence has serious consequences. The elephant in the room can no longer be hidden, and while society as a whole needs to reevaluate its solution to mental health, we see the stigma...

Submitted on: Jul 12, 2017

How can you preach that you are a Christian and at the same time say that health is a privilege? How can you really not see health as a human right? So, the Poor that cannot pay for health care should...

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2017

As birthdays pass and Holiday comes. I can't help to have a heavy heart. I said good bye to my loved ones some time has passed. This steady breathing is filled with gasps. My dear child has left me...

Submitted on: Jul 10, 2017

Dignity, I gave away my dignity that's how I got here. I allowed myself to be treated less than I deserve and because of that I am here. Because of that I am alone. Because I realize I gave away my...

Submitted on: Jul 5, 2017

I have been HIV positive for three years this past April. The way I found out has changed my whole life and I am definitely not the same person I was three years ago.

Submitted on: Jun 28, 2017

For that ignorant woman who is positive according to her, who is not updated on stigmatizing language and wrote to Li about me…

Submitted on: Jun 23, 2017

Day 3 evening. Left friends, and meeting with David for a small task I said I would help with. Deal was to get dropped off and ride extra bike back home, meet FBI guy, and head out for a bit.

Submitted on: Jun 21, 2017

Day 2 evening. I spent the day in bed, slept till 7 pm. I did some small tasks during day but not much.

Submitted on: Jun 20, 2017

I have been me for forty six years. I have not always liked me, nor liked my actions; looking back I can see #mypassionrunsdeep.

Submitted on: Jun 16, 2017

Undetectable! All organs and blood panel are perfect! So yeah! It was temporary insanity and stress that I brought on myself and external situations that are eating them! The medicine works but it is...

Submitted on: Jun 8, 2017

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