SHE/HER/THEY (Sexual Health Education/HIV Empowerment Resources/Treating HIV Equally) is an educational outreach initiative focused on improving engagement in care, health outcomes, and well-being for women living with and vulnerable to HIV while promoting language justice and holistic wellness through a non-stigmatizing lens.
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WATCH! 2.0 is The Well Project's new treatment advocacy webinar series. Our fifth session, Reproductive Life with HIV: Action Steps from Pregnancy Planning to Infant Feeding, happens on March 6. Register now!
The Well Project provides a variety of programming developed by our team in collaboration with key stakeholders to address pressing concerns in our community.
Black women living with HIV have been innovators and changemakers in the HIV community since the earliest days of the pandemic. Browse this list of organizations founded and led by Black women living with HIV.
A stable home is important for everyone's health. Learn about housing options for people living with HIV and which one might be right for you.
Learn about harmful effects of stigma and discrimination and read inspiring stories of women living with HIV overcoming stigma to lead full, healthy lives.
Get tips on the best ways to use social media in advocacy around HIV/AIDS.
Get tips about being ready to go back to work, what kind of work you want to do, applying for jobs, and caring for yourself in the process.
Even if you do not have symptoms or other warning signs, being on top of screenings can help catch health conditions early – and help you live your healthiest possible life.
Learn about shingles: where it comes from; signs and symptoms; treatment and prevention; and key points for women, older adults, and people living with HIV.