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The Well Project believes that knowledge is power. We are dedicated to providing tools to our members to use to further their knowledge, as well as to educate and empower others in their community. In addition to our fact sheets, we have developed several slide sets on important topics related to HIV. Below are links to PDF downloads of our slide sets. If you are in need of a PowerPoint version, please email us at update@thewellproject.org. Continue to check back often for the addition of new slide sets, as well as annual updates to the slides.
- Abortion and HIV (October 2023)
- Abortion Laws and HIV in the US (October 2023)
- Adherence (October 2024)
- Advocating for Women Living With HIV in Prisons or Jails in the US (October 2023)
- AIDS-Defining Conditions (September 2023)
- Can I Breastfeed While Living With HIV? (April 2024)
- Cannabis, Health, and the Law in the US (October 2023)
- Cannabis, HIV, and Your Health (January 2024)
- Complementary Therapies (January 2024)
- Considerations Before Starting HIV Treatment (November 2024)
- Depression, Women, and HIV (August 2024)
- Drug Interactions (October 2024)
- HIV Criminalization and Women (April 2024)
- HIV Drugs and the HIV Lifecycle (August 2024)
- HIV Treatment As Prevention (TasP) (November 2023)
- HIV Treatment Guidelines (August 2024)
- HIV Treatment Guidelines for Pregnant People and Their Infants (March 2024)
- How To Be An Advocate For Yourself and Others (January 2024)
- Lessons from GRACE: A US Study Focused on Women Living with HIV (March 2019)
- Lifetime Survivors of HIV (January 2024)
- Long-Term Survivors of HIV (December 2023)
- Medical Concerns for Women Lifetime Survivors of HIV (January 2024)
- Menopause and HIV (September 2024)
- Moving Forward, Living with HIV: Considering Education or Training (October 2024)
- Myths about HIV (February 2019)
- Overview of Infant Feeding Options for Parents Living with HIV (April 2024)
- A Place at the Table: Having a Voice in HIV Planning and Decision Making (February 2024)
- Pregnancy, Birth, and HIV (May 2024)
- PrEP for Women (May 2024)
- Resistance (April 2023)
- Safer Sex (March 2024)
- Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, Justice, Pleasure, and HIV (January 2024)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections or Diseases (STIs or STDs) (January 2024)
- Side Effects (February 2024)
- Starting HIV Treatment (August 2024)
- Stress Management (October 2024)
- Women of Transgender Experience Living with HIV (November 2023)
- Undetectable Equals Untransmittable: Building Hope and Ending HIV Stigma (October 2024)
- Understanding CD4 Cells and CD4 Cell Tests (August 2023)
- Understanding Clinical Trials (April 2024)
- Understanding the Immune System (April 2023)
- What Are HIV & AIDS? (November 2024)
- Why Language Matters: Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words (September 2022)
- Why Race Matters: Women and HIV (October 2024)
- Women, Gender and Sexuality (March 2024)
- Women and Viral Load (September 2022)