The Black AIDS Institute (BAI) is the only national HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on Black people. Founded in May of 1999, the Institute’s mission is to stop the AIDS epidemic in Black communities by engaging and mobilizing Black leaders, institutions, and individuals, in efforts to confront HIV. BAI disseminates information; advocates for sound, inclusive, culturally responsive public and private sector health policies; offers training and capacity building; provides health screening for HIV/STI/Hep C and other chronic and/or infectious diseases, and linkage to comprehensive HIV care: and conducts advocacy and mobilization from a uniquely and unapologetically Black point of view. Our motto describes a commitment to self-preservation: “Our People, Our Problem, Our Solution.”

Black AIDS Institute

The Black AIDS Institute (BAI) is the only national HIV/AIDS think tank focused exclusively on Black people. Founded in May of 1999, the Institute’s mission is to stop the AIDS epidemic in Black communities by engaging and mobilizing Black leaders, institutions, and individuals, in efforts to confront HIV. BAI disseminates information; advocates for sound, inclusive, culturally responsive public and private sector health policies; offers training and capacity building; provides health screening for HIV/STI/Hep C and other chronic and/or infectious diseases, and linkage to comprehensive HIV care: and conducts advocacy and mobilization from a uniquely and unapologetically Black point of view. Our motto describes a commitment to self-preservation: “Our People, Our Problem, Our Solution.”

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