HIV Drug Chart (Overview)

Submitted on Aug 30, 2024
Representation of multiple pills inside multiple colored circles in a pattern.


The number of drugs available to fight HIV keeps growing. This is good news, but it can also make it difficult to figure out what's what. Use this overview of all the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved HIV drugs to find basic information, such as:

We have also listed the drug makers and their Internet addresses so you can get more information about each drug and patient assistance. Most companies have a patient or prescription assistance program (PAP) to help you get a drug if you have no insurance and/or cannot afford it. Some companies offer help with co-payments for those who do not have insurance.

If you are living with HIV and just beginning to explore the idea of taking HIV treatment, you may want to look at our fact sheets on:

Research has definitively shown that people living with HIV who start treatment earlier, while their CD4 counts are still high, have a much lower risk of illness and death. This includes people living with HIV who may have no outward signs of ill health. In addition, extensive research has proven that, when a person living with HIV is taking HIV drugs and their viral load has reached undetectable levels (not enough HIV in their bloodstream for a standard test to measure), that person cannot transmit HIV to a sexual partner who is HIV-negative. If you are living with HIV, taking HIV drugs is one of the best things you can do to live a long, healthy life.

Nucleoside/Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)


Brand Name: Emtriva
Other Name(s): FTC
Generic Name(s): Emtricitabine
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, headaches, rash, skin discoloration
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Emtriva. Emtriva fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Emtriva may cause your HBV to get worse.
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Emtriva
Patient Assistance: Gilead Patient Assistance
Co-payment assistance at


Brand Name: Epivir
Other Name(s): 3TC
Generic Name(s): Lamivudine
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Epivir. Epivir fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Epivir may cause your HBV to get worse. Do not use the (lower) dosage intended to fight HBV alone.
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects; short-term use demonstrated to be safe for mothers and infants; present in breast milk of nursing mothers
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Patient information for Epivir
Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Retrovir
Other Name(s): AZT, ZDV
Generic Name(s): Zidovudine
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, fatigue, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Anemia, neutropenia, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy, myopathy (muscle pain and weakness)
Special Considerations:  
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects; short-term use demonstrated to be safe for mothers and infants; effective at reducing mother-to-child transmission
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs, especially Retrovir
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Retrovir
Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card

Videx EC

Brand Name: Videx EC
Other Name(s): ddI
Generic Name(s): Didanosine
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, headaches, trouble sleeping, rash
Serious Side Effects: Peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy, insulin resistance and diabetes; rarely, a severe liver condition known as non-cirrhotic portal hypertension that can be fatal
Special Considerations: No longer used in the US. Methadone, a drug often used by those recovering from heroin addiction, can reduce the amount of Videx in the blood and make Videx less effective
Pregnancy: Sometimes fatal lactic acidosis in pregnant women taking Videx and Zerit together
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs, especially Videx
Who Produces the Drug: Bristol-Myers Squibb


Brand Name: Viread
Other Name(s): TDF
Generic Name(s): Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, gas, rash, headache, weakness
Serious Side Effects: Kidney problems, bone problems, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Viread. Viread fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Viread may cause your HBV to get worse.
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Viread
Patient Assistance: Gilead Patient Assistance 
Co-payment assistance at 


Brand Name: Zerit
Other Name(s): d4T
Generic Name(s): Stavudine
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, rash
Serious Side Effects: Peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy
Special Considerations: No longer used in the US. Methadone, a drug often used by those recovering from heroin addiction, can reduce the amount of Zerit in the blood and make Zerit less effective
Pregnancy: Sometimes fatal lactic acidosis in pregnant women taking Videx and Zerit together
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs, especially Zerit
Who Produces the Drug: Bristol-Myers Squibb


Brand Name: Ziagen
Other Name(s): ABC
Generic Name(s): Abacavir
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Hypersensitivity reaction (fever, rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath), lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy
Special Considerations: HLA-B*5701 screening (for hypersensitivity reaction) is recommended before starting a Ziagen-containing regimen. Studies do not agree on whether taking Ziagen can increase your risk of heart disease. If you think you might be at increased risk of heart disease, you should talk to your healthcare provider about whether you should take Ziagen.
Methadone, a drug often used by those recovering from heroin addiction, may be less effective when taken with Ziagen.
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Ziagen
Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card

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Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)


Brand Name: Edurant
Other Name(s): RPV
Generic Name(s): Rilpivirine
Class of Drug: NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Rash, headache, trouble sleeping, depression, anxiety, dizziness, muscle aches
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, severe depression and suicidal thoughts
Special Considerations: Only approved for people starting HIV treatment for the first time who have a viral load ≤ 100,000. Do not use if you are also taking certain anti-tuberculosis or anti-seizure medications.
Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Who Produces the Drug: Janssen
Web Site for Drug Info: Edurant
Patient Assistance: Paying for Edurant


Brand Name: Intelence
Other Name(s): ETR
Generic Name(s) Etravirine
Class of Drug: NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, rash, diarrhea, peripheral neuropathy, headache, high blood pressure
Serious Side Effects: Hypersensitivity (rash, flu-like symptoms, and sometimes organ problems, including liver failure), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: Contact your healthcare provider immediately if symptoms of severe skin reactions develop
Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely to experience nausea than men when taking Intelence
Who Produces the Drug: Janssen
Web Site for Drug Info: Intelence
Patient Assistance: Paying for Intelence


Brand Name: Pifeltro
Other Name(s): DOR
Generic Name(s) Doravirine
Class of Drug: NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal pain, abnormal dreams
Serious Side Effects: Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
Special Considerations: Approved for people starting HIV treatment for the first time
Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Pifeltro may make hormone-based birth control methods (such as pills, implants, or vaginal rings) less effective. Your healthcare provider can help you decide how to adjust your birth control while you are taking Pifeltro.
Who Produces the Drug: Merck
Web Site for Drug Info: Pifeltro
Patient Assistance:


Is part of the combination pills Symfi and Symfi Lo. See the Combination Pills section.


Brand Name: Viramune
Other Name(s): NVP
Generic Name(s) Nevirapine
Class of Drug: NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Rash, nausea, headaches, fever, fatigue
Serious Side Effects: Liver damage, lipodystrophy, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: Women with CD4 cell counts greater than 250 (including pregnant women) and men with CD4 cell counts above 400 at the time of starting treatment have a higher risk of serious liver damage. Careful dosing and liver monitoring is needed when starting Viramune.
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects. Evidence suggests that taking a drug regimen including Viramune while pregnant reduces mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Viramune is present in breast milk.
Women-Specific Information: Because Viramune reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Viramune. Women taking Viramune are more likely than men to develop a rash and may also be more likely to develop liver damage.
Who Produces the Drug: Boehringer-Ingelheim
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Viramune
Patient Assistance: No patient assistance available

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Integrase Inhibitors


It is part of the combination pill Biktarvy (bictegravir plus emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide). See the Combination Pills section.


Brand Name: Isentress
Other Name(s): RGV
Generic Name(s): Raltegravir
Class of Drug: Integrase inhibitors
Common Side Effects: Diarrhea, nausea, headaches, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Liver toxicity, elevated levels of a muscle enzyme called creatine kinase, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: Should be used with caution by people who are at increased risk for muscle disorders and destruction of muscle tissue. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Appears to be safe and effective in women
Who Produces the Drug: Merck
Web Site for Drug Info: Isentress
​Patient Assistance: MerckHelps: Isentress


Brand Name: Tivicay
Other Name(s): DTG
Generic Name(s) Dolutegravir
Class of Drug: Integrase inhibitors
Common Side Effects: Headache, trouble sleeping, weight gain
Serious Side Effects: Lipodystrophy, liver problems, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: People with Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C may have an increased chance of developing new or worsening changes in liver tests during treatment with dolutegravir
Pregnancy: Initially there was concern for neural tube defects; but given the combination of available data, which showed a lower risk than initially reported and rapid viral suppression with high barrier to resistance, in the US, dolutegravir is currently a preferred regimen for pregnant women and women trying to conceive
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Tivicay
Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Vitekta (discontinued in the US due to low utilization of the product – not ongoing or new safety issues; elvitegravir available in some combination drugs)
Other Name(s): EVG
Generic Name(s) Elvitegravir
Class of Drug: Integrase inhibitors
Common Side Effects: Diarrhea, nausea, headache
Serious Side Effects: Liver toxicity, elevated levels of a muscle enzyme called creatine kinase, depression, suicidal thoughts, trouble sleeping, blood in the urine, increased cholesterol and/or triglycerides and/or blood sugar
Special Considerations: Vitekta contains lactose, a sugar commonly found in milk. Speak with your provider if you are lactose intolerant.
Pregnancy: Limited data and not currently recommended.
Women-Specific Information: Because Vitekta affects the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Vitekta. It is not known if Vitekta passes through to breast milk and what effect, if any, it may have on infants.
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead


Brand Name: Vocabria
Other Name(s): Cabotegravir sodium, CAB 
Generic Name(s) Cabotegravir
Class of Drug: Integrase inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Headache, abnormal dreams, anxiety, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Skin rash, allergic reactions, liver problems, depression, mood changes
Special Considerations: Cabotegravir is always taken together with rilpivirine (Edurant). It may be used for about a month before switching to injections of Cabenuva (a long-acting combination of cabotegravir and rilpivirine) every other month.
Pregnancy: Talk to your healthcare provider if you are planning to become pregnant because cabotegravir can stay in your body for a year after the last injection.
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Cabenuva
Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card

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Protease Inhibitors (PIs)


Brand Name: Aptivus
Other Name(s): TPV
Generic Name(s): Tipranavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, fatigue, headaches
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, sulfa allergy, high blood sugar, internal bleeding, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: Should not be taken by people with moderate-to-severe hepatitis B or C. Intended for people who have previously taken HIV medications.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Because Aptivus reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Aptivus. Skin rash is a more common side effect in women taking birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy.
Who Produces the Drug: Boehringer Ingelheim
Web Site for Drug Info: Aptivus
​Patient Assistance: Patient Assistance Program or 800-556-8317
No co-payment assistance is available


Brand Name: Crixivan
Other Name(s): IDV
Generic Name(s): Indinavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, heartburn, headaches, fatigue, trouble sleeping, rash, dry or itchy skin, hair loss, back pain
Serious Side Effects: No longer used in the US. Kidney stones (drink eight glasses of water daily to lower risk of kidney stones), hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells), lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood sugar, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), increased bleeding in people with hemophilia
Special Considerations: Do not take Crixivan with grapefruit juice
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects. There is some concern about Crixivan's effect on infant liver health. Use of Crixivan without Norvir during pregnancy is not recommended.
Women-Specific Information: Some studies suggest that women taking Crixivan are more likely than men to develop kidney problems
Who Produces the Drug: Merck


Brand Name: Invirase
Other Name(s): SQV
Generic Name(s): Saquinavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, gas, headaches, fatigue, trouble sleeping, mental confusion
Serious Side Effects: No longer used in the US. Lipodystrophy, high blood sugar, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), increased risk of developing abnormal heart rhythms
Special Considerations: Another version of this drug called Fortovase had already been discontinued in the US in 2006, but is still used in other countries.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy. Use of Invirase without Norvir during pregnancy is not recommended.
Women-Specific Information: Because Invirase reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Invirase
Who Produces the Drug: Genentech (Roche)


Brand Name: Lexiva (Telzir in some countries)
Other Name(s): FPV
Generic Name(s): Fosamprenavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, gas, headaches, rash, numbness or tingling around the mouth
Serious Side Effects: Kidney stones (drink eight glasses of water daily to lower risk of kidney stones), lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, liver problems, sulfa allergy, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling), increased bleeding in people with hemophilia, high blood sugar, hemolytic anemia (destruction of red blood cells)
Special Considerations: Triglyceride and cholesterol levels should be checked before starting Lexiva and regularly during treatment. It may be necessary for your healthcare provider to treat high cholesterol and triglycerides with other medications.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy. Use of Lexiva without Norvir during pregnancy is not recommended.
Women-Specific Information: Because Lexiva reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Lexiva
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Patient information for Lexiva
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Norvir
Other Name(s): RTV
Generic Name(s): Ritonavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, headaches, heartburn, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, numbness and tingling around the mouth, changes in taste
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, pancreatitis, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood sugar, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia, increased risk of developing abnormal heart rhythms
Special Considerations: Norvir is generally used to boost other drugs. Taking Norvir with certain allergy medications, sedatives, heart medications, and migraine medications can increase the risk of their side effects.
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects; use only to boost other HIV drugs. Use of oral solution of Norvir containing alcohol is not recommended during pregnancy.
Women-Specific Information: Some research suggests that women may be more likely than men to experience side effects when taking Norvir, especially nausea, vomiting, aches and fatigue, and numbness and tingling around the mouth
Who Produces the Drug: AbbVie
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Norvir
​Patient Assistance: myAbbVie Assist Patient Assistance Program


Brand Name: Prezista
Other Name(s): DRV
Generic Name(s): Darunavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, rash
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, sulfa allergy, high blood sugar, and increased bleeding in people with hemophilia. Severe skin conditions, including: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling), toxic epidermal necrolysis (large red blisters that peel), and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (large red swollen areas of skin accompanied by fever).
Special Considerations: Liver function should be tested before starting Prezista. Increased liver function monitoring is a good idea for people with hepatitis or other liver problems. Prezista is not recommended for people with severe liver damage.
​Pregnancy: Use of Prezista without Norvir during pregnancy is not recommended. Prezista is a preferred drug for use in pregnancy.
Women-Specific Information: Because Prezista reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Prezista
Who Produces the Drug: Janssen
Web Site for Drug Info: Prezista
​Patient Assistance: Prezista Patient Assistance Program 


Brand Name: Reyataz
Other Name(s): ATV
Generic Name(s): Atazanavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headaches, rash, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), trouble sleeping, depression, dizziness, muscle aches, fever
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, changes in heart rhythm, peripheral neuropathy, kidney stones, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia, gallbladder problems, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects. Use of Reyataz without Norvir during pregnancy is not recommended. Reyataz is a preferred drug for use in pregnancy.
Women-Specific Information: Because Reyataz affects the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about the right birth control pill for you
Who Produces the Drug: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Web Site for Drug Info: Reyataz
​Patient Assistance: Patient assistance


Brand Name: Viracept
Other Name(s): NFV
Generic Name(s): Nelfinavir
Class of Drug: PI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, gas, rash
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood sugar, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects. Evidence shows that Viracept is safe in the short-term for mothers and infants.
Women-Specific Information: Because Viracept reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Viracept. Research suggests that women taking Viracept are less likely than men to experience diarrhea, but more likely to experience stomach pain, itching, or rash.
Who Produces the Drug: Agouron Pharmaceuticals, distributed by Pfizer
Web Site for Drug Info: Patient Information for Viracept
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card

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Entry and Fusion Inhibitors

Fusion Inhibitor


Brand Name: Fuzeon
Other Name(s): T-20
Generic Name(s): Enfuvirtide
Class of Drug: Fusion Inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Skin reactions at site of shots (including pain and discomfort, redness, bumps, itching, swelling, and hardened skin), trouble sleeping, headaches, loss of appetite, depression, fatigue, muscle pain, constipation
Serious Side Effects: Increased risk for bacterial pneumonia, peripheral neuropathy, pancreas problems, possible rare allergic reaction (including rash, fever, nausea and vomiting, chills, shaking, low blood pressure, and increased liver enzymes)
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Who Produces the Drug: Genentech (Roche)
Web Site for Drug Info: Fuzeon
​Patient Assistance: Genentech Access Solutions

CCR5 Antagonist


Brand Name: Selzentry (Celsentri outside the US)
Other Name(s): MVC
Generic Name(s): Maraviroc
Class of Drug: Entry Inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Cough, fever, colds, rash, muscle and joint pain, stomach pain, dizziness
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, cardiovascular problems, feeling dizzy or blacking out when standing
Special Considerations: A laboratory test called a "tropism" test is needed before Selzentry is used to determine if treatment with the drug will be useful
​Pregnancy: Limited information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Selzentry is safe to use while using birth control pills
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Selzentry
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card

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Attachment Inhibitor


Brand Name: Rukobia
Other Name(s): FTR, Rukobia extended-release, fostemsavir extended-release, fostemsavir tromethamine
Generic Name(s): Fostemsavir
Class of Drug: Attachment Inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS), nausea, diarrhea, headache, belly pain, extreme tiredness, rash, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Heart rhythm problems, liver problems People who have had hepatitis B or hepatitis C are at greater risk of developing liver problems while taking fostemsavir.
Special Considerations: Approved for adults who have taken several HIV medicines in the past, who have a multidrug-resistant HIV strain, and whose virus is not well controlled by ongoing treatment with other HIV drugs.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: The dosage of birth control pills that contain ethinyl estradiol, a synthetic form of the hormone estrogen, may need to be adjusted.
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Rukobia
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card

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Post-Attachment Inhibitor


Brand Name: Trogarzo
Other Name(s): Hu5A8, IBA, Ibalizumab-uiyk, TMB-355, TNX-355
Generic Name(s): Ibalizumab-uiyk
Class of Drug: Post-Attachment Inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, rash
Serious Side Effects: Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
Special Considerations: Approved for adults who have taken several HIV medicines in the past, who have a multidrug-resistant HIV strain, and whose virus is not well controlled by ongoing treatment with other HIV drugs. Trogarzo is given by a healthcare provider as an infusion into your vein every two weeks.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Who Produces the Drug: Thera Technologies
Web Site for Drug Info: Trogarzo
​Patient Assistance: Thera Patient Support

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Capsid Inhibitor


Brand Name: Sunleca
Other Name(s): GS-6207, GS-HIV, GS-CA2, GS-CA1
Generic Name(s): Lenacapavir
Class of Drug: Capsid Inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Injection site reaction, nausea
Serious Side Effects: Immune reconstitution syndrome (IRIS)
Special Considerations: Approved for use in adults who have taken several HIV medicines in the past, who have a drug-resistant strain of the virus, and whose HIV is not well controlled by ongoing treatment. At first, Sunleca is both injected and taken as a tablet. Later, it is injected every six months.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Sunlenca
Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access

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Combination Pills


Brand Name: Atripla
Other Name(s): Sustiva plus Emtriva plus Viread
Generic Name(s): Efavirenz plus emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs and 1 NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Atripla: rash, dizziness, trouble sleeping, unusual dreams, drowsiness, nausea, headache, vomiting, trouble concentrating
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy, kidney problems, bone problems, severe depression, strange thoughts, angry behavior, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: Atripla is a one-pill, once-daily drug regimen (it does not have to be used with other HIV drugs). Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Atripla. Because Emtriva and Viread also fight HBV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Atripla may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: There is no evidence of an overall increased risk of birth defects in babies born to women who use Sustiva, one of the drugs that makes up Atripla, during early pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the Emtriva and Viread in Atripla
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Atripla
​Patient Assistance: No co-payment assistance available.


Brand Name: Biktarvy
Other Name(s): Bictegravir plus Emtriva plus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)
Generic Name(s): Bictegravir plus emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs plus 1 integrase inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Diarrhea, nausea, headache, and weight gain
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, new or worsening kidney problems, new or worsening liver problems
Special Considerations: Biktarvy is a one-pill, once-daily drug regimen (it does not have to be used with other HIV drugs). Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Biktarvy. Because both Emtriva and TAF also fight HBV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Biktarvy may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: Recommended as an alternative regimen for pregnant people with suppressed viral loads
Women-Specific Information: A recent study conducted by Gilead showed Biktarvy to be non-inferior to a similar regimen in women. Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs.
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Biktarvy
Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-payment assistance at


Brand Name: Cabenuva
Other Name(s): CAB and RPV, CAB plus RPV, Cabenuva kit, cabotegravir extended-release injectable suspension and rilpivirine extended-release injectable suspension
Generic Name(s): Cabotegravir plus rilpivirine
Class of Drug: Integrase inhibitor plus NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Reactions to the injections right after getting them, extreme tiredness, headache, nausea, trouble sleeping, higher body temperature, pain in the muscles or bones, dizziness
Serious Side Effects: Skin rash, allergic reactions, liver problems, depression, mood changes
Special Considerations: Cabenuva is a complete regimen (you do not need to take any other HIV drugs) that is injected by a healthcare provider once every other month. It is approved for people who were virologically suppressed (very low viral load) on their previous regimen.
​Pregnancy: Talk to your healthcare provider if you are planning to become pregnant because Cabenuva can stay in your body for a year after the last injection.
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Cabenuva
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Cimduo
Other Name(s): 3TC/TDF; Epivir plus Viread; Temixys (generic version)
Generic Name(s): Lamivudine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Class of Drug: NRTI
Common Side Effects: Headache, pain, depression, diarrhea, rash
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, severe liver problems, new or worse kidney problems
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Cimduo. Both Epivir and Viread fight HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Cimduo may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: Mylan
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Cimduo
Patient Assistance: No information available


Brand Name: Combivir (Duovir in some countries)
Other Name(s): Retrovir plus Epivir
Generic Name(s): Zidovudine (AZT) plus Lamivudine (3TC)
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Combivir: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, fatigue, trouble sleeping, diarrhea, cough, nasal symptoms (like a stuffy nose)
Serious Side Effects: Anemia, neutropenia, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy, myopathy (muscle pain and weakness), peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Combivir. Epivir fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Combivir may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects; short-term use of both the Retrovir and Epivir parts of Combivir demonstrated to be safe for mothers and infants
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs, especially the Retrovir part of Combivir
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Combivir
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Complera
Other Name(s): Emtriva plus Viread plus Edurant
Generic Name(s): Emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate plus rilpivirine
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs and 1 NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Complera: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gas, headaches, rash, skin discoloration, trouble sleeping, depression, anxiety, dizziness, muscle aches, weakness
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy, kidney problems, bone problems, severe depression and suicidal thoughts
Special Considerations: Complera is a one-pill, once-daily drug regimen (it does not have to be used with other HIV drugs). It is only approved for people starting HIV treatment for the first time who have a viral load ≤ 100,000. Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Complera. Emtriva and Viread fight HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Complera may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: An alternative regimen for use in pregnancy. Your viral load may need to be checked more frequently, if you take Complera while pregnant.
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the Emtriva and Viread in Complera
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead and Janssen
Web Site for Drug Info: Complera
​Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access


Brand Name: Delstrigo
Other Name(s): DOR/3TC/TDF; Pifeltro plus Epivir plus Viread
Generic Name(s): Doravirine plus lamivudine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Class of Drug: 1 NNRTI plus 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Dizziness, nausea, abnormal dreams
Serious Side Effects: Kidney and bone problems
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Delstrigo. Both Epivir and Viread fight HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Delstrigo may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: No information in human pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: Merck
Web Site for Drug Info: Delstrigo
​Patient Assistance: MerckHelps Patient Assistance for Delstrigo


Brand Name: Descovy
Other Name(s): Emtriva plus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)
Generic Name(s): Emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Nausea
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy; kidney problems, bone problems, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Descovy. Because both drugs fight HBV as well as HIV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Descovy may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: Limited information in human pregnancy, but in the US recommended as an alternative regimen during pregnancy.
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the 2 NRTIs in Descovy
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Descovy
Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-payment assistance at


Brand Name: Dovato
Other Name(s): Tivicay plus Epivir
Generic Name(s): Dolutegravir plus lamivudine
Class of Drug: 1 NRTI plus 1 integrase inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Headache, diarrhea, nausea, insomnia, fatigue
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, allergic reactions
Special Considerations: Dovato contains Epivir, which fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Dovato may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: Initially there was concern for neural tube defects; but given the combination of available data, which showed a lower risk than initially reported and rapid viral suppression with high barrier to resistance, in the US, dolutegravir is currently a preferred regimen for pregnant women and for women planning to conceive
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Dovato
Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Epzicom (Kivexa in some countries outside the US)
Other Name(s): Epivir plus Ziagen
Generic Name(s): Lamivudine plus Abacavir
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Epzicom: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, trouble sleeping, depression
Serious Side Effects: Hypersensitivity reaction (watch for fever, rash, severe nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain; and cough, sore throat, or difficulty breathing), lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Epzicom. Epivir fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Epzicom may cause your HBV to get worse. HLA-B*5701 screening (for hypersensitivity reaction) is recommended before starting a Ziagen-containing regimen. Studies do not agree on whether taking the Ziagen part of Epzicom can increase your risk of heart disease. If you think you might be at increased risk of heart disease, you should talk to your healthcare provider about whether you should take Epzicom.
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the NRTIs Epivir and Ziagen that make up Epzicom
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing Information for Epzicom
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Evotaz
Other Name(s): Reyataz plus Tybost
Generic Name(s): Atazanavir plus cobicistat
Class of Drug: Protease inhibitor plus boosting agent
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Evotaz: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, headaches, rash, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), trouble sleeping, depression, dizziness, muscle aches, fever
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, changes in heart rhythm, peripheral neuropathy, kidney stones, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia, gallbladder problems, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe skin rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling)
Special Considerations: Evotaz is a one-pill, once daily drug that does have to be used with other HIV drugs.
​Pregnancy: Not recommended in pregnancy due to low drug levels late in pregnancy resulting in high rates of virologic failure
Women-Specific Information: Because Reyataz, a part of Evotaz, affects the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about the right type of birth control for you
Who Produces the Drug: Bristol-Meyers Squibb
Web Site for Drug Info: Evotaz
​Patient Assistance: Co-pay assistance via or 888-281-8981


Brand Name: Genvoya
Other Name(s): Elvitegravir plus Tybost plus Emtriva plus tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF)
Generic Name(s): Elvitegravir (EVG) plus Cobicistat (COBI) plus Emtricitabine (FTC) plus tenofovir alafenamide fumarate (TAF)
Class of Drug: Integrase inhibitor plus boosting agent plus 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, headache, fatigue (extreme tiredness), and weight gain
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy; also kidney problems, bone problems, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
Special Considerations: Genvoya is a one-pill, once-daily drug regimen (it does not have to be used with other HIV drugs). It is only approved for people starting HIV treatment for the first time. Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Genvoya. Both the TAF and Emtriva in Genvoya fight HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Genvoya may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: Not recommended in pregnancy due to low drug levels late in pregnancy resulting in high rates of virologic failure
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs like the Emtriva and TAF in Genvoya
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Genvoya
Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-Pay assistance at


Brand Name: Juluca
Other Name(s): Tivicay plus Edurant
Generic Name(s): Dolutegravir plus rilpivirine
Class of Drug: 1 NNRTI plus 1 integrase inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Headache and diarrhea
Serious Side Effects: Severe skin rash and allergic reactions, liver problems, depression or mood changes
Special Considerations: Juluca is a complete single-pill, two-drug HIV regimen. It can be taken by people who have been on the same HIV drug regimen for at least 6 months and have not had treatment failure or drug resistance. Let your provider know if you are living with hepatitis B or C.
​Pregnancy: Initially there was concern for neural tube defects with dolutegravir; but given the combination of available data, which showed a lower risk than initially reported and rapid viral suppression with high barrier to resistance, in the US, dolutegravir is currently a preferred regimen for pregnant women and women planning to conceive
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Juluca
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Kaletra (Aluvia in some countries outside the US)
Other Name(s): LPV/r
Generic Name(s): Lopinavir plus ritonavir
Class of Drug: PI plus boosting agent
Common Side Effects: Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, headaches, fatigue, weakness, heartburn
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, pancreatitis, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood sugar, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia
Special Considerations:  
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects. Evidence shows that Kaletra is safe in the short-term for mothers and infants. Once-daily dosing and oral solution containing alcohol are not recommended for use during pregnancy.
Women-Specific Information: Because Kaletra reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of contraception if you take Kaletra
Who Produces the Drug: AbbVie
Web Site for Drug Info: Kaletra
Patient Assistance: Kaletra Savings Program


Brand Name: Odefsey
Other Name(s): Emtriva plus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) plus Edurant
Generic Name(s): Emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF) plus rilpivirine
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs plus 1 NNRTI
Common Side Effects: Nausea, headache, trouble sleeping, depression, rash
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy; kidney problems, bone problems, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Odefsey. Because both Emtriva and TAF fight HBV as well as HIV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Odefsey may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: People who are already on Odefsey before becoming pregnant and virally suppressed can stay on the drug, but their viral loads should be checked more often.
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the 2 NRTIs in Odefsey
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Odefsey
Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-payment assistance at


Brand Name: Prezcobix
Other Name(s): Prezista plus Tybost
Generic Name(s): Darunavir plus Cobicistat
Class of Drug: Protease Inhibitor plus boosting agent
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Prezcobix: headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rash
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, kidney problems, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, sulfa allergy, high blood sugar, and increased bleeding in people with hemophilia. Severe skin conditions, including: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (severe rash accompanied by fever, fatigue, muscle or joint aches, blisters, facial and tongue swelling), toxic epidermal necrolysis (large red blisters that peel), and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (large red swollen areas of skin accompanied by fever).
Special Considerations: Liver function should be tested before starting Prezcobix. Increased liver function monitoring is a good idea for people with hepatitis or other liver problems. Prezcobix is not recommended for people with severe liver damage. Kidney function should be tested before starting Prezcobix if you take tenofovir, since Prezcobix may cause or worsen kidney damage in people taking tenofovir.
​Pregnancy: Not recommended during pregnancy due to low drug levels resulting in high rates of virologic failure
Women-Specific Information: Because Prezcobix reduces the levels of some hormonal contraceptives, talk to your healthcare provider about changing to or adding other methods of birth control if you take Prezcobix
Who Produces the Drug: Janssen
Web Site for Drug Info: Prezcobix
Patient Assistance: Janssen CarePath for Prezcobix


Brand Name: Stribild
Other Name(s): "Quad" pill; Emtriva plus Viread plus elvitegravir plus cobicistat
Generic Name(s): Emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate plus elvitegravir plus cobicistat
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs plus 1 integrase inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Stribild: nausea, diarrhea, gas, rash, headache, weakness, abnormal dreams, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Kidney problems, bone problems, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy
Special Considerations: Stribild is a one-pill, once-daily drug regimen (it does not have to be used with other HIV drugs). It is only approved for people starting HIV treatment for the first time. Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Stribild. Because the Emtriva and Viread in Stribild fight HBV as well as HIV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Stribild may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: While Emtriva and Viread show no evidence of human birth defects, given lower drug levels of elvitegravir and cobicistat leading to increased virologic failure, it is not recommended during pregnancy
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the 2 NRTIs in Stribild.
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Stribild
​Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-payment assistance at

Symfi and Symfi Lo

Brand Name: Symfi and Symfi Lo
Other Name(s): EFV/3TC/TDF; Sustiva plus Epivir plus Viread (Symfi Lo contains less Sustiva than Symfi)
Generic Name(s): Efavirenz plus lamivudine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Class of Drug: 1 NNRTI plus 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Rash, dizziness
Serious Side Effects: Lactic acidosis, severe liver problems, new or worse kidney problems, mental health problems
Special Considerations: Mylan also makes Symfi, which includes the same combination of drugs but contains a slightly higher dose of efavirenz. Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Symfi Lo. Both Epivir and Viread fight HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Symfi Lo may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, Symfi Lo may harm your unborn baby. Avoid pregnancy during treatment with Symfi Lo. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you think you may be pregnant or become pregnant during treatment with Symfi Lo.
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: Mylan
Web Site for Drug Info: Prescribing information for Symfi Lo
​Patient Assistance: No information available


Brand Name: Symtuza
Other Name(s): DRV/COBI/FTC/TAF; Prezista plus Tybost plus Emtriva plus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)
Generic Name(s): Darunavir plus cobicistat plus emtricitabine plus tenofovir alafenamide
Class of Drug: Protease inhibitor plus boosting agent plus 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Diarrhea, rash, nausea, fatigue, headache, abdominal discomfort, flatulence
Serious Side Effects: Severe or life-threatening skin reactions or rash, lactic acidosis, severe liver problems
Special Considerations: Taken with food. Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Symtuza. Because Emtriva and Viread also fight HBV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Symtuza may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: Not recommended during pregnancy due to lower exposures of Prezista and Tybost during pregnancy resulting in higher rates of virologic failure
Women-Specific Information: If you are using hormone-based birth control (such as pills, implants, or vaginal rings), Symtuza may make these birth control methods less effective. Your healthcare provider can help you decide how to adjust your birth control while you are taking Symtuza.
Who Produces the Drug: Janssen
Web Site for Drug Info: Symtuza
​Patient Assistance: Janssen CarePath for Symtuza


Brand Name: Triumeq
Other Name(s): "Trii"; Ziagen plus Tivicay plus Epivir
Generic Name(s): Abacavir plus dolutegravir plus lamivudine
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs plus 1 integrase inhibitor
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Triumeq: headache, fatigue, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Lipodystrophy, lactic acidosis, liver problems, hypersensitivity reaction (fever, rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath)
Special Considerations: HLA-B*5701 screening (for hypersensitivity reaction) is recommended before starting a Ziagen-containing regimen like Triumeq. Triumeq contains Epivir, which fights HBV as well as HIV. If you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Triumeq may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: Initially there was concern for neural tube defects with dolutegravir; but given the combination of available data, which showed a lower risk than initially reported and rapid viral suppression with high barrier to resistance, in the US, dolutegravir is currently a preferred regimen for pregnant women and women planning to conceive
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of NRTIs
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Triumeq
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Trizivir
Other Name(s): Retrovir plus Epivir plus Ziagen
Generic Name(s): Zidovudine plus Lamivudine plus Abacavir
Class of Drug: 3 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Trizivir: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, trouble sleeping
Serious Side Effects: Hypersensitivity reaction (watch for fever, rash, severe nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain; and cough, sore throat, or difficulty breathing), liver problems, lipodystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, pancreatitis, myopathy (muscle pain and weakness), anemia, neutropenia
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Trizivir. Because Epivir also fights HBV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Trizivir may cause your HBV to get worse. HLA-B*5701 screening (for hypersensitivity reaction) is recommended before starting a Ziagen-containing regimen. Studies do not agree on whether taking the Ziagen part of Trizivir can increase your risk of heart disease. If you think you might be at increased risk of heart disease, you should talk to your healthcare provider about whether you should take Trizivir.
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects; Retrovir, a part of Trizivir, is effective at reducing mother-to-child transmission
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the 3 NRTIs in Trizivir, especially Retrovir
Who Produces the Drug: ViiV Healthcare
Web Site for Drug Info: Trizivir Medication Guide
​Patient Assistance: ViiV Connect
ViiV Patient Savings Card


Brand Name: Truvada
Other Name(s): Emtriva plus Viread
Generic Name(s): Emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
Class of Drug: 2 NRTIs
Common Side Effects: Same as those for the individual drugs that make up Truvada: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, gas, rash, headache, weakness, skin discoloration
Serious Side Effects: Kidney problems, bone problems, lactic acidosis, liver problems, lipodystrophy
Special Considerations: Get tested for hepatitis B (HBV) before taking Truvada. Because both drugs fight HBV as well as HIV, if you are living with HBV and HIV, stopping Truvada may cause your HBV to get worse.
​Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects
Women-Specific Information: Women are more likely than men to develop lactic acidosis with long-term use of the 2 NRTIs in Truvada
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Truvada
​Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-payment assistance at

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Boosting Agents


Brand Name: Norvir
Other Name(s): RTV
Generic Name(s) Ritonavir
Class of Drug: PI (used almost entirely to boost other drugs)
Common Side Effects: Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, loss of appetite, headaches, heartburn, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, trouble sleeping, numbness and tingling around the mouth, changes in taste
Serious Side Effects: Liver problems, pancreatitis, lipodystrophy, increased cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood sugar, increased bleeding in people with hemophilia, increased risk of developing abnormal heart rhythms
Special Considerations: Norvir is most commonly used to boost other drugs. Taking Norvir with certain allergy medications, sedatives, heart medications, and migraine medications can increase the risk of their side effects.
Pregnancy: No evidence of human birth defects; use only to boost other HIV drugs. Use of oral solution of Norvir containing alcohol is not recommended during pregnancy.
Women-Specific Information: Some research suggests that women may be more likely than men to experience side effects when taking Norvir, especially nausea, vomiting, aches and fatigue, and numbness and tingling around the mouth
Who Produces the Drug: AbbVie
Web Site for Drug Info: Norvir
Patient Assistance: myAbbVie Assist Patient Assistance


Brand Name: Tybost
Generic Name(s) Cobicistat
Class of Drug: Boosting agent
Common Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Serious Side Effects: Kidney problems
Special Considerations: Tybost is not active against HIV; it is used to boost the amount of HIV drugs like Reyataz (atazanavir) and Prezista (darunavir) in the blood. It is important that your healthcare provider test your kidney function before and during treatment with Tybost.
Pregnancy: Lower levels in pregnancy resulted in increased virologic failure when combined with other drugs and currently not recommended
Who Produces the Drug: Gilead
Web Site for Drug Info: Patient Information for Tybost
Patient Assistance: Gilead Advancing Access
Co-payment assistance at

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The Well Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls. We are a recognized leader in the fight against HIV, revolutionizing the availability and accessibility of meaningful and relevant information designed specifically for women and girls living with HIV. The Well Project does not control, promote, distribute, endorse or market prescribed substances associated with the treatment of HIV/AIDS or related diseases and should in no way take precedence over the qualified assessment and diagnosis of a medical professional or certified physician/doctor. The information contained on this website is for educational purposes only.



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