Reproductive Life with HIV: Action Steps from Pregnancy Planning to Infant Feeding – WATCH! 2.0

Submitted on Mar 6, 2025
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This event took place on Tuesday, March 6, 2025. Already viewed the webinar? Fill out a brief evaluation

You may already be aware of the fact that people living with HIV can have safe, healthy pregnancies and thriving babies who remain HIV-negative. Join us for the fifth session of the WATCH! 2.0 series, as we dig deeper into how we got to this point, what conception, pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period can look like for parents living with HIV, and how advocacy for yourself and others can play a role.

Moderator: Ciarra "Ci Ci" Covin, Senior Manager of Community Programming

Presenters: Heather O'Connor (she/they) The Reunion Project/National Working Positive Coalition and Ieshia Scott, Dandelions Movement

Once you have viewed the webinar below, please follow this link to fill out a brief evaluation no later than end of day on Saturday, April 5, 2025.

To receive a WATCH! 2.0 certificate of completion from The Well Project, participants must fill out an evaluation for each of the seven monthly sessions of the WATCH! 2.0 series within 30 days of each live webinar.


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To learn more about these topics, please check out these fact sheets and resources:

WATCH! 2.0 (Women's Advocacy and Treatment Coalition on HIV) is The Well Project's new treatment advocacy webinar series, based on our highly successful 2015 WATCH! series. True to our organization's values emphasizing a women-led response to the HIV epidemic, WATCH! 2.0 puts women and advocacy at the forefront.

Episode 4 of the WATCH! 2.0 series is supported by ViiV Healthcare's Positive Action Grant Program.


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