"Motherhood" – Featuring Ciarra Covin (Being Seen Podcast)

Submitted on Nov 17, 2021

Being Seen Podcast

Hosted by Anika Noni Rose

Featuring: Raquel Willis, Ciarra Covin and Kaitlyn Greenidge

Artwork provided by Sydney Vernon Photography provided by Imani Dennison, Amber Pinkerton and Nydia Blas"

Presented by ViiV Healthcare

Produced by Harley & Co

Season 3, Episode 25: Motherhood (available on Spotify and Apple)


Artwork of Black woman and girl by Sydney Vernon for Motherhood episode of the Being Seen podcast.

All too often motherhood is a narrowly defined space full of bias and assumption. How can we think about it more expansively and in what ways have we provided or received mothering in our own lives?


About Being Seen:

How do storytellers and their stories shape society? If we create more nuanced and accurate cultural portrayals of identity and experience, can we change our actions, behaviors and perceptions? Season 3 invites listeners to join our host, Anika Noni Rose, for an in-depth exploration of the Black female experience, told through ten episodes that explore the ways in which we inhabit spaces like power, freedom, desire and safety. 

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