Found in Translation: Women Connecting with Women Living with HIV -- Third Interdisciplinary Research Symposium at the San Juan Bautista Medical School, poster

Submitted on Mar 29, 2019

The Well Project was honored to be the subject of a poster presentation at the Third Interdisciplinary Research Symposium at the San Juan Bautista Medical School, premier academic event, on February 28, 2019. Women’s Research Initiative on HIV/AIDS (WRI) member Carmen Zorrilla, MD, working with three medical students, developed and presented the poster, Found in Translation: Women Connecting with Women Living with HIV, which describes their experience translating nearly one third of all The Well Project’s fact sheets into Spanish. This extraordinary presentation also won first place in the translation category at the conference. Please check out the poster below and click here to download the PDF version of the poster! And click here to access Spanish versions of our fact sheets, many of which were translated by Carmen’s team!



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