Women, Children & Family

BEEEBAH logo: A silhouette of a pregnant person and a person holding a baby.

Browse a collection of materials and video discussions, curated for healthcare professionals, from our comprehensive, multi-tiered effort to increase knowledge around breast/chestfeeding and HIV.

Submitted on Aug 21, 2024
Pregnant belly with hands cradling it.

Get resources for safer conception and information on options for trying to get pregnant with little to no chance of transmitting HIV.

Submitted on Jul 12, 2024
Sexy underwear hanging on a line with clothespins.

Does HIV make it hard for you to feel sexy or be intimate? Get some tips about how to boost your sex-esteem and put the pleasure back in sex!

Submitted on Feb 9, 2023
Illustration of silhouette of woman with colorful hair, shapes, leaves and butterflies around her.

Learn about GYN care, what to expect with breast and pelvic exams, questions to ask your provider, and more.

Submitted on Feb 20, 2024
Pregnant woman sitting on examination table getting pulse taken.

HIV treatment guidelines provide a lot of useful health information. Learn more about specific guidelines for people living with HIV who wish to become pregnant, are pregnant, or have given birth.

Submitted on Mar 21, 2024
Bright post-it notes thumbtacked to fabric, one with the words "Respect My Hormones".

Get basic information about hormones, how HIV and HIV drugs can affect hormone levels, and different ways to treat low hormone levels.

Submitted on Nov 6, 2023
Illustration of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

Learn about HPV – what it is, important vaccines and screening tests, and the genital warts, cervical cancer, and anal cancer it can cause.

Submitted on May 6, 2024
Back view of two people sitting on edge of bed, one with arm around other who leans on her shoulder.

There are still many adults living with HIV today who acquired the virus early in life. Learn more about the challenges and strengths of female lifetime survivors of HIV.

Submitted on Dec 19, 2023
Medical Provider and patient hugging.

Thinking about getting pregnant? Find a supportive, affirming US-based healthcare provider who is knowledgeable about HIV, fertility, pregnancy planning, and/or family building.

Submitted on Jan 31, 2024
Woman sitting on couch looking under her shirt at infant underneath breastfeeding.

See a list of health and service providers who are knowledgeable and affirming of parents' choices around infant feeding and HIV.

Submitted on Sep 12, 2024


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