Table of Contents
- Trans-Led Groups and Initiatives
- Organizational Resources
- Terminology and FAQs
- Safety from Violence (Including Partner/Domestic Violence)
- Youth
- Stigma and Discrimination
- Socioeconomic Realities
- Legal Concerns
- Health Issues
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Surveys and Reports
- Resources from The Well Project
Despite bearing a high burden of HIV, violence, and other symptoms of injustice worldwide, people of transgender experience (trans people) have been historically underserved and underrepresented as part of the response to the HIV pandemic.
In recent years, organizations have become more aware of how ill-served the transgender population has been by the global HIV response. Changes are (slowly) being made to adequately serve trans communities and fund trans-led work. The list of resources below can help you get started with information and support for community building, health issues, safety from violence, legal barriers, and more.
Trans-Led Groups and Initiatives
- Positively Trans (T+) (Transgender Law Center)
- Arianna's Center (Florida, US)
- Trans Lifeline
- TransLatin@ Coalition
- Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative (SnapCo.) (Atlanta, US)
- House of Tulip (New Orleans, US)
- IRGT: A Global Network of Trans Women and HIV
- Red Lactrans (South America Region, en español)
- Asia Pacific Transgender Network (Asia Pacific Region)
Organizational Resources
- Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (University of California-San Francisco)
- National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
- Transgender Europe
- National LGBTQ Task Force
- Transgender Resources (GLAAD)
- 100 Organizations Supporting Trans People in All 50 States (Them)
Terminology and FAQs
- Understanding Transgender People: The Basics (National Center for Transgender Equality)
- Common Transgender Definitions and Terms (Gay Straight Alliance for Safe Schools, PDF)
- Transgender FAQ (GLAAD)
- Glossary of Transgender Terms (Johns Hopkins University)
Safety from Violence (Including Partner/Domestic Violence)
Find a shelter and/or services
- Inside the US: Call 911 or the National Domestic Violence hotline at 800-799-SAFE [1-800-799-7233; or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY)]; for domestic shelters go to https://www.domesticshelters.org/
- Trans Lifeline's Hotline (check website for hours and alternatives): A peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans and questioning peers at 877-565-8860
- Oprime 2 para hablar con alguien en español
- Full anonymity and confidentiality
- No non-consensual active rescue (calling 911, emergency services, or law enforcement)
- Anti-Violence Project; 24-Hour Hotline: 212-714-1141
- Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE) National Directory
Additional violence-related resources
- Community United Against Violence
- The Network/La Red
- Ending Violence Against Women Living with HIV (Positive Women's Network-USA, PDF)
- National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs
- National Network to End Domestic Violence
- Criminalization as Violence Against Women Living with HIV (Positive Women's Network-USA)
- I Think I Might Be Transgender (Advocates for Youth, PDF; also available in Arabic and Spanish)
- HIV and Young Transgender People (World Health Organization, PDF)
- I Think I Might Be Trans: 8 Important Notes On Questioning and 50+ Resources to Get You Started (Everyday Feminism)
Stigma and Discrimination
- US Transgender Survey Report (from National Center for Transgender Equality)
Socioeconomic Realities
- Transgender in the Workplace: A Career & Resource Guide for Employees & Employers (Learn How to Become)
- Housing & Homelessness (National Center for Transgender Equality)
- Economic Empowerment Resources for People Living with HIV
Legal Concerns
- Know Your Rights (National Center for Transgender Equality)
- Know Your Rights: Transgender (Lambda Legal)
Health Issues
- Gender Affirming Care in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) (US Health Resources and Services Administration; PDF)
- Transgender Health Patient Resources (American Academy of HIV Medicine)
- HIV Care for Transgender Women (Chase Brexton Health Services, PDF)
- Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People (UCSF Transgender Care)
- Unmet Basic Needs May Be Related to Poor Rates of Durable Viral Suppression Among Transgender Women with HIV (aidsmap)
- Hormones: A Guide for MTFs (Carleton College, PDF)
- The Fenway Institute (Boston, Mass.)
- Callen-Lorde Community Health Center (New York, N.Y.)
- Transgender Women Face Inadequate Health Care, 'Shocking' HIV Rates (National Public Radio; with audio recording)
- Gender Confirming/GRS Surgeon List (Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, PDF)
- Trans Lifeline (US, 877-565-8860; Canada, 877-330-6366)
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (US, 988)
- International Suicide Hotlines
Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Sexual Health for Transwomen (Center of Excellence for Transgender Health, PDF)
- Trans Sex Ed: Ten Great Sexual Health Resources (QueerDoc)
- Sex as a Trans Woman (Terrence Higgins Trust)
- What Do I Need to Know About Sexual Health as a Trans or Nonbinary Person? (Planned Parenthood)
- Thinking About Having a Baby? A Guide for Trans Women Living with HIV (HIVE, PDF)
- Trans Fertility in Conversation (San Francisco AIDS Foundation)
- For You: Trans Men (HIVE)
- Safer Sex and Sexual Health for Trans Masculine People (Terrence Higgins Trust)
- PrEP: Transcending Barriers for Safer Pleasure (Project Inform, PDF)
- Look Good, Feel Better: A Trans Masc Guide (APTN, PDF)
Surveys and Reports
- National Transgender Discrimination Survey (National Center for Transgender Equality)
- Wellness for Our Communities – Positively Trans Needs Assessment Results (Transgender Law Center, PDF)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and HIV-Affected Hate and Intimate Partner Violence in 2017 (Anti-Violence Project)
- HIV Infection, Risk, Prevention, and Testing Behaviors Among Transgender Women (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Implementing Comprehensive HIV and STI Programmes with Transgender People (Multiple authors; available in Spanish)
Resources from The Well Project
- Women of Transgender Experience Living with HIV (fact sheet)
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality (fact sheet)
- Transgender Women: HIV Prevention as a Priority (fact sheet)
- What You Need to Know: HIV Among Transgender Women and Barriers to Care (2017 webinar)
- Women of Transgender Experience (topic index)
- "Gender" topic tag on A Girl Like Me (blog platform featuring personal stories)