Living with AIDS 22 years.....

Living with AIDS 22 years...Hello I'm a 60 year old woman (diagnosed at 38.) I am what is known as a person living with AIDS as per CDC defined. My t/c were '0' and v/l were in the millions. Today I have 1,338 t/cells and my v/l is undetectable. It was a long journey getting here, I was in deep denial and thought "well why should I take my meds, I'm going to die" since I experienced my 3 siblings dying of AIDS. But then I decided not to allow AIDS to control my life- I started doing research and going to support groups meeting other PLWHA and sharing our stories. I'm very glad I made the choice to LIVE, today I share my story and empower other women into taking control of their lives by adhering to their medications, keep a healthy diet, exercise, stay stress free, advocate, maintain a rapport with their HIV primary care provider i.e. ask questions, take a list of questions, write everything down so you don't forget. Live a happy life





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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

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