Launch of Report of Global Stakeholder Consultation on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Human Rights of Women living with HIV

Salamander Trust, together with partners ATHENA, ICW Zimbabwe and Asia-Pacific, GNP+ and Transgender Law Centre have launched the report of a global stakeholder consultation with women living with HIV, the background survey work for which took place during 2014. The findings were presented at a stakeholder consultation at WHO in Geneva in January 2015:

  • Over 50% of adults living with HIV worldwide are women.
  • Women bear the brunt of HIV in communities, not only through acquiring HIV themselves, but also through caring for sick partners, children and extended family members.
  • WHO cares about the complex issues faced by women with HIV.
  • WHO commissioned this global stakeholder consultation from Salamander Trust, in order to ascertain the values and preferences of women living with HIV globally, in advance of updating the WHO’s 2006 guidelines on this topic.
  • It was the largest ever international survey to date on the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women living with HIV. It was designed, led and conducted by women living with HIV. 832 women from 94 countries, aged 15 to 72 completed the on-line survey, which was conducted in 7 languages. The survey and focus group discussions were supported by an international Global Reference Group of women living with HIV who are leading global activists.

To read more, click here.





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