8 Tips to Help Create a Positive Mental Attitude

1. You are powerful.


What we are is far greater, far superior, far more important, and far more mysterious than our mind tries to define. This is why we are far more powerful than we think we are. We are MORE POWERFUL than THE VIRUS itself.


2. Embrace life.

Let go and embrace the moment, whether it contains an obstacle or an opportunity. Stop fussing over small matters and start focusing on what’s really important to you.

Don’t go through life expecting things to change. Life becomes hard and unfair when we decide to complain about things rather than trying to change them ourselves. 



3. You get to control your reactions.

We create our outside reality by the thoughts and beliefs we maintain about life in general. What we believe in our inner world, we see in our outer world—not the other way around.

We all have problems, and we’re often tested by circumstances outside of our control. Even though you may not be in control of what’s going on outside of you, you most definitely can control your reaction to those situations.

We have the power because our inner world (cause) affects the influence we allow the outer world (effect) to have on us. So next time you hear somebody mention that you have great personal power, know they are 100% correct. YOU HAVE MORE CONTROL THAN YOU THINK!


4. Know that no one is better qualified.

Stop identifying with other people’s opinions and become aware of how you see yourself. Nobody knows you better than you do. Never accept another person’s reality as your own. Always believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. And, most importantly, never let another person’s opinion of you affect what you believe about yourself.


5. Believe that you are more than enough.

 If you focus on what you have, and not on what you lack, you will always have enough, because you will always be enough.


6. Love yourself.

Be yourself. Love yourself completely and accept everything that you are. You are beautiful. Believe it, and most importantly, remind yourself often.


(This is a copied content)


7. Stay cool.

We and up losing control over our own actions because of the way other people act. But we are responsible for our own action, regardless of how rude other people may act. If it’s hard to stay cool, remember: you are the one who loses in the end, if you lose the lesson.


8. Journey well.

Be content with where you are today and don’t make the mistake of putting off being happy because you are waiting for the right moment to shine. Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to enjoy the journey.

Not everyone woke up this morning and not everyone will go to bed tonight. Life has no guarantees. Every minute you are living is a blessing that has to be experienced in the moment. It’s not always easy, but it’s always an option—a choice. Your choice.


“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

India : HIV Support Group




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