I am new to this forum. I...

I am new to this forum. I am a 65 year old beautiful women and I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that at this age i have HIV. I am under great care but my level of energy is low and I cry at the drop of a hat. I am just looking for friends to help get through this. it's hard very hard.



1 comment

Submitted by kmartel

Hello!  Thanks for writing, and welcome to our community. You’ve come to the right place. It’s wonderful to hear that you have great care, as being on HIV treatment is the best way to stay the healthiest and live the longest. And… while dealing with the fact that one is living with HIV can be hard at any age, dealing with it as one gets a bit older can be even more challenging.

It’s not unusual for older adults living with HIV to report feeling lonely or isolated. In fact, many older women living with HIV struggle with sadness and depression, which can lead to getting HIV care less often and having more trouble sticking to HIV drug regimens.

It is important that you tell your health care provider about your low energy and your tendency to cry easily. Both of those could have many causes, including but certainly not limited to depression. Once you and your provider know their causes, you should be able to find treatment to relieve your suffering.

Again, I’m glad that you reached out.  Connecting to a community is one of the key ways to stay healthy, regardless of age or HIV status.  You can find more support by participating in our community, and through the writings of our brave bloggers living with HIV at A Girl Like Me. You’ll notice that a few of them are a bit older (Martha, Wanda, Dianne, Sophie), and several have been living with HIV for many years (Vickie Lynn, Maria). One thing i just want to let you know that if you want others in the commmunity to see your posts, perhaps post on the A Girl Like Me group? Right now, only the administrators of the website can see your post, which is why you don't see more responses.

You may also find the following fact sheets on our website helpful:

We hope to hear more from you, and please always write back with any questions!

My very best,



Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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