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I am interested in being a part of the well project. Please advise me via email as to how I sign up. I look forward to speaking or hearing from you. Angel




Submitted by Angel S.

Hello Everyone!! I am glad to be back and to be me! The real girl living , Yes, Living HIV positive. I have made great changes in how I perceive myself. I am embracing  parts of me I formerly discarded. Today I am available to help others who are not ready to disclose. I am here to hold a hand and remind woman everywhere that HIV is not a death sentence nor are we unclean. I currently am taking some webinars to get up to date and stay up to date on happenings in my community and across the globe. I look forward to being an assest along side the woman who nutured me to be ME; not the scared girl hiding behind sex, alcohol, abuse, trauma ,ect. Today I am proud to call myself an Advocate. Thank you for letting me be a part of something so dear to my heart. Let not one more person suffer alone.

Submitted by kmartel

Hi Angel,

We are so happy to have you, and welcome into The Well Project community. Are you interested in becoming a blogger on A Girl Like Me? We would love to hear more from you. If so, please email me at kmartel@thewellproject.org, and we'll get you the next steps!

Submitted by Angel S.

This  is a very touchy subject to those not willing to be open to talk about this pandemic publicly.
Since coming to terms with my diagnosis, I am now more compassionate to the needs of others. Everyone takes their own time to deal, in their own way, with the news.
I realize ( after much struggle) I have been given a true "gift" a voice to raise more awareness. I used to get mad because people used wrong language when discussing or even putting down those of  us living HIV positive. Things such as " do you take medicine not to pass on AIDS?". Ugh! You dont pass Aids.
I have become more and more aware of the areas in which need our attention.  Education is key!  
Affected or infected not everyone wants to have this conversation.
 They may darn well be affected ; yet unable to grasp  this sort of reality facing themselves or those they love.
Being are able to get care focusing on the mental as well as the physical aspects can not be done without knowing your staus. To have a great powerful community of Advocates, loved ones, ect. with us us while we follow a medication regimn is conforting. The Goal being to achieve a undetecable staus and stop the spreading by ingnorance. No one has to die from HIV . We dont need to be afraid or think it a death sentence.
Today I take into consideration alot more than just the basic of being positive. We need to reach and educate everyone we can to bring us to zero in the near future. Sad so many still have a closed mind when it comes to "us" living with HIV.  I am so much better knowing my staus than guessing it wont happen to me.

June  23RD, 2016

Submitted by Angel S.

This  is a very touchy subject to those not willing to be open to talk about this pandemic publicly.
Since coming to terms with my diagnosis, I am now more compassionate to the needs of others. Everyone takes their own time to deal, in their own way, with the news.
I realize ( after much struggle) I have been given a true "gift" a voice to raise more awareness. I used to get mad because people used wrong language when discussing or even putting down those of  us living HIV positive. Things such as " do you take medicine not to pass on AIDS?". Ugh! You dont pass Aids.
I have become more and more aware of the areas in which need our attention.  Education is key!  
Affected or infected not everyone wants to have this conversation.
 They may darn well be affected ; yet unable to grasp  this sort of reality facing themselves or those they love.
Being are able to get care focusing on the mental as well as the physical aspects can not be done without knowing your staus. To have a great powerful community of Advocates, loved ones, ect. with us us while we follow a medication regimn is conforting. The Goal being to achieve a undetecable staus and stop the spreading by ingnorance. No one has to die from HIV . We dont need to be afraid or think it a death sentence.
Today I take into consideration alot more than just the basic of being positive. We need to reach and educate everyone we can to bring us to zero in the near future. Sad so many still have a closed mind when it comes to "us" living with HIV.  I am so much better knowing my staus than guessing it wont happen to me.

June  23RD, 2016


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