Monday, June 30, 2014
12:00-1:30pm ET / 9:00-10:30am PT
The US Women & PrEP Working Group, SisterLove and AVAC are hosting a webinar marking the two-year anniversary of the FDA licensing of Truvada as PrEP in the US. This webinar will provide an opportunity to share updates and resources in the field and to discuss how far we've moved in getting women involved in the rollout of PrEP. We will review what we know and don't know about women's motivations and barriers to consider daily oral PrEP as an intervention. Speakers include Karen Hoover from the US CDC, Judy Auerbach from the University of California at San Francisco, Alan McCord from Project Inform, and moderator, Dazon Dixon Diallo of SisterLove and the US Women & PrEP Working Group.
For more on the US Women & PrEP Working Group visit: