Thursdays, May 2, 9, and 16, 2024
3:00 PM ET | 12:00pm PT
via SAGE
This May, during Older Americans Month, we're going back to the basics. In the world of LGBTQ+ aging and HIV aging, we hear people talk about the Older Americans Act (OAA), OAA programs, area agencies on aging, state units on aging, and much more. But what does this stuff actually mean?

SAGE is hosting a three-part webinar series to answer these questions and we want you to join us in learning about the OAA. What exactly is the OAA and how does it relate to people who are aging with HIV? Why does it matter that LGBTQ+ people have access to OAA programs? And what can we even do about it?
- May 2, 2024 at 3pm ET: Demystifying the Older Americans Act for People Living with HIV
- May 9, 2024 at 3pm ET : Demystifying the Older Americans Act for LGBTQ+ People
- May 16, 2024 at 3pm ET: Empowering Activists to Advance an Older Americans Act for ALL
Whether you're an older person interested in learning about this country's support network that enables people to age at home, an activist looking to expand their toolbox, or an ally looking to learn about why these programs must reach our most marginalized elders, join us for a webinar—or all of them!
This webinar series is designed to be entered at any point. So, if you can't make one of the sessions, that's okay! We'll be recording each session and posting them, as well as sharing slides and toolkits, so that you can jump in whenever.
For too long, federal programs like the OAA have felt inaccessible to our communities—people don't know what programs they fund, who's eligible, and even how our community is going to be treated when people walk in the door. SAGE wants to end that—and create a world where LGBTQ+ older people and people aging with HIV can age how and where they want, with the resources, support, and programs they need to thrive. Register here to join us:
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