Dandelions Movement Announces First Year of Creative Writing Workshop

via The Dandelions Movement


Flyer for Dandelions Writing Workshop.

Planting Seeds for a Lifetime writing workshops will focus on addressing intersectional issues related to race, gender, class, sexuality, and disabilities. By prioritizing the voices and experiences of Black women, we aim to recognize and confront the unique challenges they face within their personal narratives. These workshops will provide a platform for participants to share their stories and perspectives, fostering inclusivity and equity in developing solutions that benefit all members of our community. Through this approach, we seek to empower individuals and advocate for meaningful change in addressing HIV-related disparities and promoting holistic well-being.

Black women experience significantly higher rates of HIV compared to women of other racial or ethnic backgrounds, highlighting the urgent need to address the social determinants of health affecting them, including the emotional impact of HIV diagnosis and the silence surrounding this pain. By amplifying the voices of Black women and the Dandelion community, our project seeks to break this silence and foster a supportive environment that acknowledges and addresses their specific challenges.

Our vision is to create ongoing safe spaces where Black women impacted by HIV can gather to share personal experiences through various forms of storytelling, fostering social connections and community support. By sharing narratives, we aim to inspire Black Women impacted by HIV to create mobilization efforts centered around Dandelion awareness and inclusion. In tandem with creating these safe spaces, our goal is to shift community awareness by integrating healing justice into HIV advocacy spaces. Through socio-economic support  such as community care and therapeutic practices of writing, we aim to utilize storytelling as a form of trauma-informed healing for Black women. This approach aligns with our commitment to community building and empowerment amongst individuals affected by HIV.

The program requirements are as follows:

  • Identify as a black woman impacted by HIV (HIV positive or HIV possible)
  • Commit to five hours of participation (three 90-minute sessions and a 30-minute closing session)
  • Fill out this interest form to be considered for the writing workshop series
  • Actively engage in the writing workshop series (share and/or reflect on your written work)
  • Complete a post-evaluation survey

This is a paid opportunity for all Black women affected by HIV and requires full participation. As a participant in this workshop, you will be provided with a safe and supportive space to share your stories, experiences, and reflections on HIV. You will also have the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with other Black women who are navigating similar challenges. This workshop is designed to help you develop your creative voice and to empower you to use your writing as a tool for self-expression, healing, and advocacy.

Writing Workshop Dates are Bi-Weekly on Fridays. Each session will run for approximately 60-90 minutes, starting at 7:30 p.m. ET / 6:30 p.m. CT

  • October 4, 2024 (PAID)
  • October 18, 2024 (PAID)
  • November 1, 2024 (PAID)
  • November 8 (We invite you to our social media FB/IG live closeout session)
  • Post evaluation (PAID)

Participants can get paid UP-TO 375.00 for participation in the writing workshop. SPACE IS LIMITED so please email thedandelionsmovement@gmail.com as soon as possible!

Deadline to apply is Thursday, September 26 at 11:59pm

Application Questions Contact: thedandelionsmovement@gmail.com

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