Hello, my name is Shiba I...

Hello, my name is Shiba I have just recently diagnosed am lost can anyone talk to me..i don't knw how to approach other pls invite me



1 comment

Submitted by The Well Project

Welcome Shiba,

Learning that you are HIV-positive can definitely be life-changing news. I'm glad you found us and hope we can be a source of support for you. There are many ways to connect with others on this site. In the groups section, you can join groups or start a group specific to your area or interests. You can also visit our forums section here to ask questions and connect with other members. To learn more about how to connect with other users, visiti our FAQ section here.

You may find our articles "Did You Just Test HIV+?" and "Starting HIV Treatment" helpful as well.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact us at info@thewellproject.org; we will be glad to help.

The Well Project


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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Hands of various skin tones linking pinky to thumb in a row.

Did you just test HIV+?

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