Writers and storytellers are among my favorite types of people. I've always had a thing for books of all kinds. I was the nerdy kid in elementary and junior high school buying ALL the books from the Scholastic Book Fairs. Literally armloads. When the Stephen King novel IT came out, I carried it around campus like it was a bible, reading it in classes for a week.
A good story is everything. A series with regularly appearing characters the author builds over time? I get invested in their development and every time I get to the last page it's like saying bye to a good friend. Comedians are a close second to writers, because really, they are storytellers too. Comics who have the ability to weave a story and drop little pieces of it throughout a routine and then have one of those nuggets be the final punch line are especially great to me. We read a good book multiple times or watch our favorite comedians and routines over and over even when we know the jokes, I think in part because there is comfort in knowing the punchline. Continue reading...