This Thing Called Marriage


Today I am just going to write all that comes into my mind because I think I am going into depression, that is if I am not already.

All of this started last year, December 2019. I have been married for almost thirteen years and I have never met my mother-in-law and my husband's only sister, who is the first born of their family. So sometime early last year I decided to try my mother in-law's cell phone number again, because I have always called that number, but it never connected. After the first two rings of the line, someone picked up and I introduced myself. She did not sound so welcoming so I just told her I wanted to greet her and that I have always tried calling her line but it was never connecting, then I apologised for disturbing her.

After a few hours my sister in-law called and was apologising on behalf of her mother for the way she responded to me when I called. She was so happy that I communicated with them. She asked so many questions and mostly about my kids and family. I then promised to try and visit her during the holiday season, which I did.

I went to see her and we talked for a few because it was quite a distance from where we live in Lagos. One thing she told me got me into thinking about my marriage to the man I call husband. She first wanted me to understand that she will not love me more than her own blood brother from the same parent. She explained to me her reason for not attending our wedding; she said my husband came to inform her like three days to our wedding that he is getting married and she was dumfounded because he has a second woman who he was married to and they have a son together! I told her that I know that he had a first son who is eight or nine years older than my first child in this marriage and she said no! That is not the one; this one, I don't know her. She even told me that she went to take care of the woman when she was put to bed and that the woman had a C-section.

To read this blog in its entirety, click here.

A Girl Like Me




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