Hi, my name is Amanda, and I am 33 years old and a mother of three. I always like to start my story from when I was young. I was brought into this world by two children, my mother was 14, and my dad was 18. Shortly after I was born, both became addicts and had no knowledge on how to raise a child. So, you can imagine how my life began. My grandmother took on the responsibility of raising me. When she passed away when I was 6, it was like losing my mama. After that, my life consisted of bouncing around from home to home, place to place, family to family due to my mom being in and out of jail. At the age of eight years old, I was separated from my siblings. They went to my aunt and uncle, and I went to my dad and new stepmom. That's when my real trauma began. I lost the only security I had when we were separated. I felt so alone and lost. I was returned to my mom around the age of 12, where we resided in a trailer park on the lower end of town, which is where I first began to experiment with drugs in the 8th grade. Continue reading...