Not Doctors or Nurses (Iris House Honor and Award)


Most of us long term survivors living with HIV virus are not doctors or nurses, but have impacted and helped improve the wellbeing of newly diagnosed persons.

Fifteen years ago, a neighbour came to my house to ask for my help with her aged mother who tested positive for HIV. She had no idea what to do, her sister-in-law who is a qualified nurse also did not know any better. She saw me on TV talking about HIV and sharing my experience as a woman living with HIV, which informed her decision to reach out to me. At that time, the old woman was having an opportunistic infection; tuberculosis (TB) to be precise. I had to take her to the treatment center where I was accessing my medications and she was managed effectively. She eventually recovered from TB, however, many other issues started coming up. She was having some psychosomatic and mental health related issues, so I stepped in occasionally to assist as best as I could.

To read this blog in its entirety, click here.

A Girl Like Me




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