My name is Arianna Lint and I am the Executive Director of a local trans advocacy and service organization Arianna's center. I wear many hats: national board member of the Trans Latin@ Coalition, Trans United Fund, a member of Positively Trans, board member and blogger for The Well Project, Prevention Access campaign, and locally member of Latinos en Acción committee, and member for the local RYAN WHITE PLANNING COUNCIL Part A. Yes, I have been VERY busy and often with NO PAY.
I am a refugee immigrant from Peru, a former attorney and a former sex worker. Most importantly, I am a proud, transgender Latina living with HIV.
Thank you for inviting me to speak. Yet in the HIV community and even in this gathering, I feel like I am an invited, but unwelcome guest. In Spanish, "estoy invitando pero no es bienvenido."
To read Arianna’s speech in its entirety, click here.
Speaking up..
The language is so pleasing to the hear as I read,
Can I share parts with others to start conversations?