HIV Criminalization: To Tell or Not, That Is the Question


Marissa Gonzalez and words "HIV is not a crime".

Since my 2016 diagnosis in Florida, I've always known if I don't disclose my HIV status to a sexual partner I could be criminalized. Essentially it didn't matter because morally I felt that I should tell the person, but at what point do I not get to put myself in a potentially stigmatized or worse situation? ? Oh, and did I mention rejection? Cause no matter how many times you "prepare" yourself for it, it still stings.

Modernized laws, which don't exist in all states, most often focus on intent to transmit vs disclosure. I now find myself in a state that does not require me to disclose my status but the depth of me still feels moral obligation. Above that, who wants to waste their time if HIV is going to cause someone to run?! I'd rather it be from the beginning and not after some time was invested. Continue reading...

A Girl Like Me




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