The day I was diagnosed will forever live in my heart. My sister and my mother were the first people that I told and there reaction is why I feel so alone even in a room of people. The first words they said to me were: I did it to myself. No one is to know.
I have no one who understands. Then I found the The Well Project and realized I am not alone. The stigma with HIV+ is so real and no one talks about it. It’s looked over major in my area in New Jersey. When people hear someone has HIV things I heard people say is oh she infected, she a Whore, she sleeping around. No one knows anyone stories I was raped and sexually assaulted. I been in a abusive relationship and now I am in the process of accepting what is and cutting out toxic people out of my life.
I am done hiding. I want to be someone who makes changes and stop the stigma.
I need to put my energy into positive thoughts and I want to be the change for NJ and help organize and bring awareness to people who judge.
I am from Hamilton
I am from Hamilton