The day I was diagnosed...

The day I was diagnosed will forever live in my heart. My sister and my mother were the first people that I told and there reaction is why I feel so alone even in a room of people. The first words they said to me were: I did it to myself. No one is to know.

I have no one who understands. Then I found the The Well Project and realized I am not alone. The stigma with HIV+ is so real and no one talks about it. It’s looked over major in my area in New Jersey. When people hear someone has HIV things I heard people say is oh she infected, she a Whore, she sleeping around. No one knows anyone stories I was raped and sexually assaulted. I been in a abusive relationship and now I am in the process of accepting what is and cutting out toxic people out of my life.

I am done hiding. I want to be someone who makes changes and stop the stigma.

I need to put my energy into positive thoughts and I want to be the change for NJ and help organize and bring awareness to people who judge.

A Girl Like Me Support Group



Submitted by Xio Mora-Lopez

Would love to know where you are in NJ. I am in Hudson County NJ.

I wrote about my history for a girl like me also, a couple years ago.

Xio Mora-Lopez

Submitted by Xio Mora-Lopez

Would love to know where you are in NJ. I am in Hudson County NJ.

I wrote about my history for a girl like me also, a couple years ago.

Xio Mora-Lopez

Submitted by Xio Mora-Lopez

Would love to know where you are in NJ. I am in Hudson County NJ.

I wrote about my history for a girl like me also, a couple years ago.

Xio Mora-Lopez

Submitted by boseolotu

You did great by choosing to careless about what other people think about you.
You also did well by making an inform decision about moving on with life and all that it have to offer.
I for one do not care to see Stigma. So my dearest sister and friend just keep yourself happy and put smile on others people feces. You are most welcome and greetings from Nigeria.
I appreciate you.

Submitted by Prettyeyebully

Thank you my friend! I am trying it gets hard, I don’t speak about it much because of the stigma I struggle daily hoping it find my way and start to feel better!!!! Stay in touch!!!! 

Submitted by The Well Project

Thank you for posting, and keeping the communication going. I can't remember if I already mentioned this to you, but if you are interested in blogging with A Girl Like Me, please let us know, and we can send you info. You can do it anonymously if that is preferred. I'm glad you found us and our awesome community of support. 


Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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