Chicago #HIVLoveWins Video Series: For providers & patients living with & affected by HIV

Mar 28, 2016
via HIVE

HIVE (the San Francisco-based hub of positive sexual and reproductive health) and the AIDS Foundation Chicago's (AFC) Midwest HIV Pregnancy Prevention and Planning Initiative (MHPPPI) co-created a video series about HIV-affected individuals and couples and reproductive health intentions – real life vignettes of #HIVLoveWins stories.

The Chicago videos are loosely scripted, meaning participants were asked to address a list of topics but to use their personal life experience to inform how the conversation flowed.  Script development was based on data gleaned from focus groups and surveys with providers and patients and included review by PrEPception advocate, Poppy Morgan.

We purposefully embraced scenarios often cited as challenging: an HIV provider asking a man living with HIV about his reproductive health desires, an obstetrician/gynecologist asking a newly pregnant woman about her partner's HIV status, a mother living with HIV who would like another child talking about her fears disclosing her status to her partner, a PrEP provider screening for reproductive health intentions. The films aim to bridge the gap between conceptual and practical, providing examples to providers of how to ask about a sexual history or reproductive desires, examples to consumers on how to share family building and intimacy desires and their sexual practices with a provider. While there is no one "right way" to integrate sexual and reproductive health into a primary care setting or integrate HIV prevention into prenatal care, the providers and consumers in these films demonstrate numerous ways to show up for the conversation.

With a virtual red carpet and round of applause we present to you the Chicago #HIVLoveWins videos series!





Members of The Well Project community at USCHA 2022.

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